Honestly, there’s probably a less than 50% chance folks get anything other than more (useless) XP boosters for their multiplayer woes and a close to zero chance that the main game speed runner favorite stuff gets any kind of notice.
Honestly, there’s probably a less than 50% chance folks get anything other than more (useless) XP boosters for their multiplayer woes and a close to zero chance that the main game speed runner favorite stuff gets any kind of notice.
So, banned to make, but not to possess. Seems like they used way more words than necessary to get that message through.
I’m also confused at what legal basis this lawsuit stands on. It seems to be “this is for the environment so you SHOULD do it!” Without any actual backing from laws or ordinances. It’s like complaining to a HOA that a neighbor uses a gas mower instead of an electric one, when it’s totally allowed, then expecting them…
Are you implying that his suggestion of having a magic box of a solution, containing something better than the request being asked, could be, untruthful and for personal gain because it commits to and risks nothing?
There’s about as much chance of that as Disney selling Marvel and Star Wars to Warner Brothers.
It’s true, much like the anti-Mr. Rogers that Trevor is, he hates everyone for what they are on the inside, regardless of what that is.
Also, no one has explained to me how those magic serial numbers will not be immediately filed off from someone who intends to illegally use the gun? Like, isn’t that the fist thing a criminal would do when laying it out on this kitchen table they keep going on about?
Umm, Prince was not 78, just gonna throw that out there.
Yeah, weirdest thing, Biology professors all seemed to be pretty chill. I think it’s an ego thing when you have a field that is very subjective in nature vs something that is purely science.
Adding to your point, I remember about 1 in 10 college professors being little god-kings who demanded adherence to their order in their classroom, and English professors were the fucking worst offenders.
Not really sure why you think that shutting down a single warehouse would mean closing up the company. Walk me through it, why would Amazon have to shut down all sales because they closed one warehouse? And additionally, why would they be forced to keep it open against their will? Is this a new law that I’m unaware of…
You’re suggesting that arson would be more legal than a company just closing a warehouse that they own?
Why? They could just close it, tell everyone it’s because of the Union and and that all of their orders will now be delayed by days for the future. It’s Amazon, money isn’t an object and despite how much people complain about them, they’ll still use them.
So, this isn’t a slight against your idea, but the big problem there is that “The Caribbean” is a zone on a map, and the territories in that zone (while not necessarily antagonistic to one another) are separated by a lot of people’s languages, cultures, and some large competing economic interests that no one wants to…
No Trevor. You want to “coddle” the guy. Totally different “c” word, and frankly that’s what’s been happening for years already and it’s clearly NOT been working.
You’re telling me that the country currently using slave labor and concentration camps for Nike and Disney products (among others), with a well documented history of erasing atrocities from their history books could be lying to us?
I mean, DISCO is a one trick pony? They’ve spent years making every character an action hero in impossible situations that the fate of the galaxy hinges on, and they forgot to give them any other real character beyond trauma. There’s no happy medium for the characters to return to because there never was one to begin…
Oh let’s be real, the employee who did it probably has the same last name as the dealership and that’s why they have a form on hand to hush the whole thing away.
Because SNL is now the disconnection with pop culture and regular folks that they used to mock?