
Here’s the thing: Nothing is new in the art or fashion world.”

(Looks around Kotaku page)

Hold up, you don’t actually think that Biden or Harris are actually putting out their office tweets right?

The long-running game show is an institution and a part of our lives.“

I’ve got little interest in the live-action Mermaid remake and even less desire to see another Transformers movie that isn’t Bumblebee 2. 

Look, there are way more people who are also responsible for making that family a thing, and they all also owe society just as much of an apology.

We can make games cheap and soulless without AI assistance, just look at Madden (fill in the year).

All I see in that pic is someone who had best get off of MY demon horse toot sweet!

Now playing

Seriously, did nobody else just go right to here?

This is all really just filler until someone, at last, faces and defeats the final true enemy of the Rocky universe…

That and the next table over at Waffle House at 3am.

I feel like the Jack Daniels-born clickers would be total bros who would annoyingly yell “Freebird!” at every concert.

All he did was to shine a spotlight on someone who was desperately grabbing for it. Any self-inflicted blemished that come to light from that are on her, not him.

So then, the punishment will be a long weekend, and an online quiz about how not to be a dick to people (probably with a 70% or higher to pass). Then a week of him feigning remorse and CNN throwing a self-congratulatory media parade for themselves. Do I have that about right?

You probably didn’t see the original title, which was being responded to and then stealth edited. It was certainly a bit more condescending along the lines of “should Tom Brady be allowed to have opinions?” You can still see part of it in the web address.

I don’t even know at this point.