
things get very lit, very fast.

Someone I know from high school learned that she couldn’t have kids at 26 and that is so heartbreaking if you really want them. I wish you the best of luck!

Good luck with your IVF cycle!

I also have a teenager and believed the same. He was playing the computer (he’s almost 16) and writing something (I assumed game-related)...until he brought me the card he was actually making.

We should be friends. To this day I have every single Hanson CD, a Hanson shirt, my membership to MoE, and the Live From Tokoyo VHS.

The most hilarious photo of my 3 week old so far. She's the best.

My first kid was very small. I get a good laugh out of this picture because it highlights the small. She is in a preemie onesie that my sister picked up at the thrift store. We were expecting a bigger baby so we didn’t have any clothes that fit.

Pro-tip for the uninsured/underinsured mamas-to-be: After you open that first envelope with a bill for eleventy kabillion dollars, like I did after my pre-eclampsia stay, my c-section, and our NICU stay, call the hospital’s billing office and request an itemized bill. Then, contest everything on that itemized bill

Don’t feed the trolls! :) And good luck with your IVF - I know it can be a rollercoaster!

THANK YOU. My favorite metaphor is the tired one: you say “fuck I’m tired—I only got five hours of sleep last night.” Someone else says, “you think you’re tired—I only got THREE hours of sleep last night.” Well congratu-fucking-lations, you think you beat me, I suppose, but no matter how many fewer hours of sleep than


Gouda for him, on item #3.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I just made a joke using the bastardized (re: Anglo North American) pronunciation of “gouda”, and I must now go and repent for my sins, as a good little ethnically Dutch girl...

Fuck this, having kids is a perfect excuse. Exhaustion is a perfect excuse. Post partum depression or overall coming to terms with motherhood is a perfect excuse. Becoming a mom is hard, we don't need to add this body shit to it.

Gee thanks male who’s probably never even had sex for reminding everyone about the psychology of women who have had abortions according to your vast experience.

Enjoy pissing people off. It will be worth the amusement. If you’re upset, you can wipe your tears with the $$$ you saved :)

I’m sorry! I assure you, you’ll get whatever you want (to be married to someone you love?) out of this, ignore the haters.

I would wear whatever you wanted me to wear at a shindig like that! I also did not do many traditional things. I got married on Easter and told “the girls” to wear a bright sundress. That was as complicated as it got.

This sounds like the best wedding ever. I want to go. I will buy you so many books.

Your florist is nuts. I make cakes as a very small side thing for friends and the cakes where I’m told “do whatever you want” are literally the best cakes I make. Wedding cakes included. I would love that assignment.

My oldest sister remains my personal hero: When my other sister was planning her wedding, she went to my dad and said, “How much is this thing costing you?” He named a figure. She said, “Cut me a check for that now and you won’t hear a peep out of me when I get married.” Bam. Check cut, sister went to a justice of the