
Do you know what would be awesome? If we completely divorced health care from the employer/employee relationship. We could have some sort of, I don’t know, single payer system or something.

This doesn’t seem all that unreasonable?

Even Donald Trump’s daughter is involved in the family business. Reevaluate yourself when Donald Trump has better views of women than you.

These people need to be in prison and their other children removed from them for safety. Because seriously, this is not only some bullshit, it’s some criminal neglect bullshit, they have learned nothing from the experience, and they obviously cannot be trusted to safeguard the health of their children. I have got NO

... a mixture of apple cider vinegar, horse radish root, hot peppers, mashed onion, garlic and ginger root...

Gosuck Adick. He’s foreign.

It’s about time someone thought of this. So many fatherless babies are strutting around like they own the damn place. Got to shut that shit down.

She’s bleeding from the eyes in this video. Her sister Bella plays a spy in The Weekend’s video. Together they’re StigMata Hari.

And for miscarriages/stillbirths, too. I had two live births with ZERO pregnancy or post-partum issues, but when I had a miscarriage my post-partum depression was debilitating. I had no idea that was a thing - talk about adding insult to injury. Sheesh.

This interests me. Really. Can you talk some more about the differences? (I mean, I totally get if you don’t because this stuff can be hard online with people ready to jump on you.)

Me too! I’ve started talking to friends about it more as well, as a normal thing like any other health issue. ‘My knee has started getting stiff in the mornings, I’m seeing a physio next week. How are you?’ ‘Well the bulimia is acting up again, but it’s probably just because I was stressed at work.’ And I had a party

Scalia is a flaming turd, obviously.

How does he make 65k a month ? He hasnt done any movies lately.

I believe that. I had a TERRIBLE co-worker named Tilly once. Tilly is a doomed name.

Having a chronic illness does not = being a victim.

Ello my leuveeeeee

Hard to have Brussels sprouts before Brussels ack ack ack

Oh my god. I had no idea Milan was like this. I cannot imagine.

Kickstart this please. I’ll invest!