
I know. My mom really robbed me of my youth. Internet hugs!

God, I can relate to this. I want to reach back in time and slap myself for constantly weighing myself and thinking my weight of 126 at 5’4” was anything but fine. I’ve developed a thyroid disorder in the meantime and I weigh about 100 lbs more than that now and it just fucking sucks that I didn’t realize what I had

You should change your user name. You are definitely not blobby in any way.

I’ve often wanted someone to invent a low-level Taser for social situations. You could sidle up to them after they’ve made one of those horrible remarks, zap ‘em, and then let your relatives laugh at them while they twitch and cry out in pain. In the operant conditioning world, it’s called negative reinforcement. ; )

I’m glad you’re okay now!!!

I’m 5’7” too, and people would never stop giving me shit about being “too thin” growing up. Turns out you can’t win at this game.

If you want help coming up with snappy comebacks, let me know. xD My dorm-mates in college gave me a hard time about it and I finally snapped and told them off.


Fucking hell. We’re the same height, and 130 was my fighting weight, when I looked my absolute best. My mom did the same shit to me and it took me years to get over it. That is NOT overweight or “big” any means! I know it’s easier said than done but please don’t let this get to you. I wasted my teen years and 20s

Oh my gosh that’s terrible but I’m so happy that you went to therapy with your mom, and that you have a supportive partner, and that you know you have to take care of yourself. Seriously, those are all huge successes. I wish you the best and continued success.

I think Milan is just too damned fashionable.

It’s not just you, I lived in Florence for a month. A sales girl in a shop laughed at me when I asked if they had size 12s. The women there don’t eat, they just keep smoking and drinking espresso.

That’s terrible! A size 6 is small!

That sucks. At least you had Aristotle to console you! (Not.)

God Bless America.

The thing that’s interesting to me is how there is an expectation that everybody will just automatically start to see transpeople as the gender they identify with. And not the gender essentialist view.

I just wanted to add, while I agree with your sentiments, there was a warning before the episode that said it would include scenes of rape.

It’s such a strange mix of emotions, hearing this news. Not for celebrities necessarily, but from friends— I am simultaneously over the moon happy for them, hopeful that another couple having trouble had success, and soul-crushingly devastated that I’m still not pregnant. An emotional Rubik's cube.

I think it’s both, actually. She and her entire family are dickheads, but she was also denied agency over her life because of her family so no one should have it either. I think she’s trying to be Meghan McCain and failing miserably because she’s a Palin and an idiot.