
“Men are afraid women will take their canoe paddles. Women are afraid of losing their spirituality.”

So Maury Povich was wrong?

That fridge was my favorite friend if the housewives.

Emma Stone will be playing a black maid. Don't worry about it.

Corporate Feminism™

There, there! I’d um hug you or soothe you in someway... but I just can’t bring myself to touch you. I’m so sorry.

After a few minutes of digging I found his high school yearbook photo

Did you have dreams? What was it like watching them die?

I sit next to the social media manager and am frequently fascinated and disgusted by what she has to deal with on a daily basis.
We were working with a company that matches influencers with businesses for a bit too, which I found hilarious. Once she spent half the day taking 100s of pictures only to have every single

You are truly doing the Lord’s work.

Travels a big passion of mine. I’ve been to 1/4 of the worlds countries. My last job provided 27 days paid leave a year, 13 flexi days, the 9 public holidays we get here a year and unpaid leave at a stretch. I hated my job so I took redundancy when it was offered. I will get a new job that will no doubt be less well

As I desperately am trying to finish my masters thesis, I can’t decide if I envy you or pity you...

Bros make money. We can mock them all we want, but they sell product, and when your job is to make sure we sell a lot of product, and the bros sell a lot of product just by being who they are and being affiliated with the product, you must needs work with bros.

Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ.

My freshman year of college (at a very small, very conservative Christian school), a floor-mate slammed into my room one Sunday morning to look in my mirror, as if it would show her something different than hers would. Exasperated, she pulled at her turtleneck and said, “I can’t take my boobs to church!” (Imagine

No no they’re very volatile personalities we don’t want to upset them. *dies of frustrated sarcasm*

LOLOLOL the “yeah I didn’t like how my hair looked?” (because it always is turned into a question somehow) is my favorite excuse.

Crazy. I will put any chocolate bar in my mouth for 5 cents.

I deal with some of these same people in the course of my job, and it’s absolutely nutty. We’re trying to currently convince a group of young men to please ACTUALLY FOLLOW THE TERMS OF YOUR CONTRACT.