Blob Barker

No, that was Gambol’s death later in the movie with the knife in his mouth.

This place tends to be pretty homophobic while at the same time patting themselves on the back for being liberal.  Look at all the “Trump and Putin are gay together!!” memes.

Danny DeVito killed it this episode, especially from the backstage speech to the end.


Someone, somewhere is getting really frustrated that an outlet in their office won’t work.

Doesn’t that 8-month time jump put it in 2006 now? 5 Hour Energy should be just starting to emerge.

Saw this a while back, and HATED it.  Ugh. Walked out with a migraine.

mario also died though.  that means it’s time for Waluigi’s Mansion, where he rescues them both.

I hate the guy, but I don’t really believe he uses racial slurs regularly. He’s had so many rallies and campaign events at this point where he’s going completely off the cuff, and I don’t believe he has the self-control or the wherewithal to not have publicly dropped one at this point if they’re in his regular

I hope injuries based on where people are shot are back. I don’t know why that disappeared between RDR and GTAV.

Between Polly Chalmers, Chris Chambers, and Joe Cambers, Castle Rock must be a very confusing place.

Right after the priest calls on “Jackie Torrance” for the prayer buddy program, he mentions someone with the last name Jerczyk, which is the last name of an ill-fated character in Needful Things. That’s way too specific and rare a name to not be an easter egg.

That was 2016.

Where is “caramelized onions”?

I don’t really get what consequences there CAN be. Having an affair isn’t illegal, and I don’t think paying someone to keep quiet about activities that themselves aren’t illegal is illegal, so aren’t we just chasing our tails here?

Man oh man, the commentariat here acts like a bunch of entitled assholes.

Just hire Bill O’Reilly and get it over with already.

The same reason Democrats bring up GOP primary winners from the midwest and their abhorrent views. It’s all scare tactics and base-rallying.

No one actually cares about hypocrisy on their side. There’s always ways to handwave it away.

Plus, the real monsters in The Shining are addiction and depression, which don’t exactly make for great on-screen horror.  Getting into the characters’ heads really gives it all weight that is hard to adapt.