Blob Barker

So roll over and do nothing. That’s your fucking plan.

No, Republicans have it right. If you’re in the minority and you disagree with the policy of the majority then you fight it tooth and nail. Republicans do it all the time. And it lights a fire under their base. Democrats need to start doing that. I’m sure there will be legislation where both parties can work together

No, we can’t.  Policy over party.  Dems don’t work like Republicans. 

Where’s Polly Chalmers? 

As a voter, I’m not prepared to back a democrat who acts like a Republican. I don’t buy the argument that if a Republican calls themselves a democrat you have to vote for them to stop the Republicans who label themselves correctly. A democrat who will throw me under the bus for either political expediency or ideology

orange? orange is trash

Will this also stop all of life hackers videos from auto playing too? Because that shit is down right annoying.

I’ve got an interesting release for you:

I can’t imagine not hating the DNC.

westworld kinda sucked

The fact that you are separating shows into “good” and “bad” is the antithesis of the point.

But you can’t tell comfortable white liberals they are wrong. They are incapable of hearing you.

Yes, I know that, everyone knows that, but that joke is old and is not and has never been funny. Pretending you’re too cool to know who someone is, that they are a nobody to you, because you know about everyone who matters. Especially on the internet, where you have NO excuse to not knowing who someone is. It’s just

Seriously? This shit again?

Wouldn’t that create a black hole of smug that would destroy us all?

nonplussed means the mom is shocked and awed so much she can’t react.. it’s the exact opposite of chill