
Not really? I don’t know Schultz’s actual orientation and alignment and neither matter in the scheme of things, but her story does go to show that the patterns of abuse directed at and against women are not (a) unique to men or (b) primarily about sexual fulfillment. They’re about wielding power, letting off steam at

This happened to me, not as explicit as wanting to see me naked, but grossly ‘romantic’, inappropriate, and scary because we were the only two people in the office, late in the evening. And later on when I gave my notice to resign (he was my boss) he treated me like shit, and after I left I found out that he lied to

I think there is a difference between being able to access the changing room as your identified gender, and gender-neutral, meaning unsegregated dressing rooms. It is not the end of the world, but I do think it makes things more uncomfortable for teens trying on clothes for their friends and coming out to look at the

I was reading this story an hour or so ago, in the waiting room for my therapist, who specializes in gender, sexuality, and their intersection with personality disorders. I showed this to her and she just got a confused look on her face and goes, “yeah, that’s a stumper.”

There’s far too many gender issues in this story than one could unpack in ten lifetimes.

Yeah pretty weird to be like “Ah I was just a kid when I was emotionally manipulating people into sending nudes to me.”

She really doesn’t seem to address the abuse and coercing these women to send naked pictures. A lot of “I felt trapped” but not a lot of “I was really shitty to these people for no discernable reason.”. The deceit isn’t the worst of her actions, but it’s the only one she’s addressing.

I believe his accusers, now that there are accusers.

so, so, so NOT BINGO. everyone is running to defend themselves for plugging their ears and not showing one shred of doubt where there was damn good reason to be suspicious. TEAM JEZEBEL ALL THE WAY ON THIS ONE.

So your attitude is that when there is an “open secret” about a sexually abusive person but no one is willing to go on the record about it, people should refuse to ask follow-up questions and everyone should just be silent and ignore it?

Here’s the simple fact: It’s The New York Times

My least favorite type of internet comment is, “why haven’t you covered this topic?? It must be a conspiracy of silence!” Thanks for having the receipts.

There are a lot of comedians/actors I really like who are closely associated with him. I read in the article that Amy Poehler and Aziz Ansari are both represented by his manager. I wonder if either of them will do or say something about all of this.

And she did a double take when she heard him steal her words :(

I bet a woman said that to him after he did something horrible

I’m not gonna lie, this is depressing for similar reasons above. His routines are usually pretty self-aware and generally call for a better planet. Saddened to see that he’s just as guilty as the other shitbirds

WHERE THOSE APOLOGISTS AT? What was that again about Jezebel rumor mongering and dragging a good man down and there haven’t been any “real” accusations?

Yeah, as if the NYT didn’t call his camp for comment ahead of publication. They know exactly what it’s about.

in case the story is “damaging,”