
I’m sorry to hear you’re in a dark place. Please don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you feel you need it. There are a lot of resources alongside any friends or family who might lend an open ear.

I’m mentally in too dark a place to be reading and responding to these articles, but right now I wish upon him, tenfold the hurt and humiliation she endured.

Here’s the thing, most of the effects of those drugs mimic and imitate intoxication symptoms. Part of the reason those drugs are popular are because they can be hand waved with “You just had a lot to drink last night.”
How do I know this? Because it happened to me. My partner was the only one who realized I’d had two

I am now 100 percent behind this ship

McSombra is a more entertaining one, especially when she hacks his arm to punch him in the face.

Banana is THE ship of choice, Jeff Kaplan has confirmed.

They won’t be the minority, they’ll still have a plurality of the population but they won’t be a majority anymore. Meaning, there won‘t be more of them than everyone else combined but, there will be more of them than any one other group (African Americans, Hispanics, etc.).

apparently there was a vanity fair article yesterday that said “Trump is apoplectic...” in the headline. Sounds like donny learned a new word

Are you fucking kidding me? Uh, Ted Nugent literally threatened to shoot Harry Reid and kill Obama and Clinton. Yeah, this is fucking unfair.

this is what happens when commenters clearly don’t know their subject matter.

A Grand jury can also request to subpoena someone to answer questions directly. One of the most interesting court related things I participated in was a Grand Jury back log clean out. It was a week and a half of going through all the cases that got pushed back multiple times or had fallen through the cracks so to

How about just hating the aesthetic?

Reason #1: The creepy realistic-looking humans in New Donk City.

They (very) uncomfortably remind me of all the humans in the Sonic Adventure games.

What assassin hood?

I already had hang ups with the title “Origins”.
According to the previous games, doesn’t AC actually originate in like biblical times? So are they just going to keep going back, call it “The beginnings” and they’re back to ending up with Michael Fassbender sequel?

The mention of the apparent lack of progression in the modern day storyline is a huge letdown for me. I don’t particularly care about many of the individual stories in each game except to see how it all connects back to the real world story. After all the Juno setups over the years, I was hoping we’d finally see

When I attend my next cocktail party I shall share this bit of wisdom and the attendees will weep in awe at the depth of my knowledge and I will be showed with many opportunities for employee that greatly exceed my current station in life.