
Yes, you should. That shit doesn’t happen often, and if it’ll help the fucking millions of victims out there I would happily be an unlucky, innocent, accused person.

It’s also on the people who harrass accusers who come forward, saying they must be lying, looking for attention... which is why all there is is nameless accusers for so long.

They fucking better drop that manager who protected this jackass or I’m not watching their work again

The CEO is still a garbage human even in the absence of Nazis.

Being “dominant” is only acceptable in a consenting relationship. This is not consenting, not being dominant, it’s assault.

Ubisoft can afford higher-quality spammers than that.

If you think it’s not anyone else’s concern when a woman’s getting beaten you should rethink that

Apparently yes as long as they are also the developers of the engine it was built on

As other commenters noted, I found it worth the money for the unique experience. Not something I can say about Origins :)

Yeah, it’s a real throwback to all the things about video games from my childhood that I disliked

Yeah, as much as this looks like a fun game, the levels look like somebody took a generic PS2 game and ran it on better hardware. And put Mario in it.

I also want the modern-day plotline to go somewhere, but seeing this my position is slightly shifting it: I either want it to go somewhere or for them to drop it. It’s just basic plot and pacing. If you don’t do something with an entire separate section of your story, get rid of it.

Sometimes it’s a bit of a struggle to get white people to admit that those white-polo-wearing racists are even “real”. Like as in, could and do hurt people.

There are huge differences mechanistically between the more inexpensive games smaller studios put out and the larger AAA titles. You simply won’t get this kind of game for that kind of cost.

Yeah, this is not a satisfactory answer. There are a lot of adjustments that could help me appreciate Salmon Run more. As it is, I feel pressured to play it when it’s available even when that’s not the exact thing I want right now, because I was just missing it yesterday so I should play now while I can!

Who says it’s a pool, could be a lake instead. Mmm, E. Coli.

It’s not uncommon at all for people to speak in the second person when describing only themselves but it’s too painful for them to use first person.

It’s not seeing the female body as only a sex object to object to the sexualization of a character where it doesn’t make sense. Did you see the woman teetering around in the video when she tried to move? This is not an outfit a sniper wears, by any means.

I’m also very curious, but could make do with just a written description.

Ask if there’s anything she’s been into before in like, movies or other stuff where the guy is more dominant. Try to re-enact that and ask what works.