1) Get a mercy or ana to boost you if you can (heck even a lucio speed boost can help make you harder to hit)
2) Make sure the target you’re focusing on doesn’t have a mercy or zen orb
1) Get a mercy or ana to boost you if you can (heck even a lucio speed boost can help make you harder to hit)
2) Make sure the target you’re focusing on doesn’t have a mercy or zen orb
now i really wanna see someone speedrunning games mid-air
I agree, I found this theme really off-putting. Especially since it’s so early into the game’s life — it’s not like they were running out of ideas. They really thought “wow this is a great idea that our players will love” and I can’t say “no thank you” hard enough.
Well, for example, D.Va being a pro gamer... who is woman. That’s not really normal at this point, nor is it stereotypical. But it represents something that *could* be, that we can aspire to.
michael jackson but like, a poor impersonator
Nah I can think this outfit looks absurd without even going into any critique about race at all
Dude looks like an MRA cyborg who thinks he’s Michael Jackson
Or some of us just like games that involve character development that we can direct because we think it adds depth and memorability to a tactical game, so we like the ability to have characters form relationships but could do without the bizarre face-petting thing too.
“moe waifus”
or maybe just fleshed out characters with beautiful animation and voice acting? Don’t really get the “waifu” accusation when the changes are equal for both the male and female characters...
Alright? He still didn’t make a bomb.
“Even when the reward warrants the effort, I tend to stall out.”
Also get evaluated for ADHD. This is a fundamental problem with it — the reward center/executive functioning in the brain is fucked up and you are literally impaired when it comes to taking actions that have long-term benefits but no immediate rewards. I…
Wasn’t there a black cosplayer who got shot because he had a prop sword?
I don’t she’s being shocked racism is still a thing, I think she’s being outraged and explaining to the most ignorant white folks why they should be outraged too. We really tend to need a lot of explaining there :/
I literally never ran into the reaper in my entire first playthrough. The game warned me about it, so I was on the listen for chains rattling, but never heard it.
Mishima goes basically bonkers in his story
the people who get flooded by harassment so bad they can’t use social media tend to care
Some people believe that the progressive way forward is to have community justice — community members mediating the situation and finding a resolution that works for the affected parties while prioritizing the victim’s healing, in contrast with the legal system that will not bend much to the victim’s wishes nor give…
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with using “they” as a singular pronoun unless you think language should never change or evolve. And if so, good luck with that.
You might be onto something with the impulse control part. We know that it’s an issue for people with a specific impairment with impulse control — adults with ADHD. they tend to struggle with long-term relationships for a number of reasons but one of them is often seeking novelty they can’t get from the same partner…
Yeah, I agree. The husband’s behavior sounds like my own in a relationship after I experienced some sexual trauma elsewhere, and my partner wasn’t good at handling that which made me want less and less to be physical with him. Sometimes people pull away from having sex with a particular person (a reduction in…
That’s probably part of the reason they’re interested in doing this. If people are interested later on in a spur-of-the-moment purchase, they’d rather you pay the higher price than get to have the sale cost at any given moment.