
FWIW, a lot of the things you describe also sound a lot like ADHD, which is also underdiagnosed and poorly described in women. It makes changing tasks really difficult, and adjusting to change really difficult, as well as reining in immediate emotional reactions. Something to keep an eye on.

And a lot of trans people have killed themselves because they can’t stand living in a world that won’t allow them to live as the person they know themselves to be. What’s it to you if it’s important for someone to be recognized as a woman? Does you no harm to respect that.

Even though Takemi’s a doctor, she reads like a teenager to me because of her punk + Aubrey Plaza in Parks and Rec vibes

I uh, preordered special edition BotW but due to cancellations had to line up and pick up a switch launch day. Since I had my switch then, I thought, why not also buy BotW so I can start playing right away...

and that’s how I ended up with two copies of BotW.

So your measure of “success” of a console is whether you can make a profit scalping. That’s a weird one.

The Wii wasn’t fun for you?

Actually, it’s not. Turns out you can stop yourself from trying to have sex. And you should when it’s not wanted or good, otherwise you’re a rapey asshole.

you know what, for the most part, I’m good with people making their marriages work how they want to, too.

why the fuck not dude? You think she’s gonna cheat from eating dinner? You think she can’t have guy friends? What kind of fucked up, trustless, controlling relationship is that?

it also doesn’t preclude you from having friendships with women

I mean, you don’t get a lot out of complex recipes (like cake), they’re only useful for certain quests. The most effective ones just involve combining ingredients with the same effect (different effects will cancel each other out), which is always noted in the food’s description, and then throw in some salt or nuts

well, whether it’s toxic or not depends on what “called out” means. If it means “holy shit that was dumb wtf”, then that’s kinda toxic (though only mildly) because it doesn’t do *anything* to help and just insults the teammate. if someone did something dumb, either they don’t have the reaction time/skills down yet or

even when somebody plays poorly, it doesn’t mean you should give them shit for it. maybe they’re having an off day, maybe they’re just stupid, who knows. but either way, people calling names or insulting them helps literally noooothing

capitalism turns high-demand low-supply commodities into luxuries. it’s not right, but it’s what happens.

I was going to say a man who had been abused as a child (Trump has been reported as hitting his children, and with the rape of his wife and his KKK dad, it all adds up to an abusive parent being likely), but both work.

I get your sentiment but those people aren’t really what got Trump elected. A significant shift in those voters alone wouldn’t have stopped him. Voters in swing states who voted Trump are who got Trump elected.

Eh, Trevor could’ve provided a lot more compelling and hard to back away from points to a lot of her bullshit. Talk show hosts are generally not good at debate, though.

I don’t know why people keep saying this, she clearly thought she was just going to get the job, not that it was an interview. She thought it was an offer (which is not unreasonable given how hard that CEO was chasing). But yeah, not really a great sign if she doesn’t have any ideas.

If cruel is too far for you, does angry and unhinged work? She lashes out at everyone at literally nothing, and there’s no excuse for that, girl needs therapy (and like, real therapy, not that bullshit Emily and Lorelai sat for).

yeah when he pulled on that t-shirt and it snagged on his pecs...