
Then they need to rewrite the law that it is illegal to use it as a consideration in the job search. If that was the goal, they cast far too wide of a net.

its about precedent though, no?

I started vaping to quit smoking, and so I have. I smoked for 23 years and tried to quit numerous times, longest I went was 4 months. Christmas eve was my year anniversary. It’s actually the opposite of ridiculously expensive. It’s saved me a BUTTLOAD of money over smoking. Where I was easily spending over $400 a

One of my dearest friends has used it to step down from smoking after having a terrible, invasive luckily life saving surgery. He had an x-ray as a precaution after an around the house accident; it uncovered a contained tumor that was likely tied to his 25+ years of smoking. He was pretty scared and used the incident

Hollywood is especially tough on our Asian American actors and actresses. It’s really unfair.

we do not “engage in an economic cost/benefit analysis to see whether the children receive medical treatment”

For those who like History, pre-war Germany and the ascension of Hitler are two fascinating topics. Strangely enough, I think some of the fascination has always stemmed from the absurdity of the whole scenario. Now all this is too close for comfort, and I agree with you, it’d be better to keep this TV exposure of this

I gave birth a few months back (four months and a day, but who’s counting...), and in the bathroom at the labor ward there was a wardrobe where they kept all of the maternity pads. I went to get one and there was a card fastened to the inside of the door that said “turn this card over to the blank side if you are

How exactly would this cause hairdressers to spread MORE rumours?

In case anyone out there was confused about how the voting/enfranchisement system was rigged, here it is. Jill Stein filed for a recount. She paid the required fees. And now, suddenly, she is not “aggrieved” enough to demand a recount. Any registered voter should be entitled to demand a recount if they can pay the

I think more left their top blank in MI than voted for Stein, right?

Not to defend Stein, but just to be objective you could make this argument for those who left the tops of their tickets blank, or those who stayed home, or those who voted for Trump, all of which represent larger groups than Stein voters.

This tape would be so much better.

This is happening under Obama. Yeah, it’ll get worse under Trump. But this is occurring under a Democratic president, with little attention from anyone in the party.

No, that was Dubya’s America, since the odious practice of corralling protesters into restricted areas where their protests would cause no disruptions to the regular business of America — which, in this case, is “fearmongering about immigrants to gain an unbreakable majority that then systematically destroys the

Baldwin’s reaction is like that republican lady who got all mad at Ana Navarro for saying pussy on the news when she was quoting Donald Trump - same misdirection, same reduction of the word to the single, most recent instance of it’s use while blatantly ignoring the referenced, and far more significant, use.

its not for me to judge anyone else’s fetish after what i recently revealed about salad spinners.

I always read it as NEVER AGAIN (to Jewish People).
I always got the impression that if America decided to round up and start exterminating blacks in the United States many Jewish people would be happy to turn their heads and whistle.

As far as I’m concerned, the Zionist Organization of America are nothing but kapos.

Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that Margaret Atwood will call them liars.