
I wish you guys had just as much concern about smokers. I saw a man a few days ago smoking with his face mask on.

If we are going to stick to facts, we have to stop saying that Romney got more votes than Trump. This is an alternative fact, folks. Let’s all be better with the truth — we NEED to be.  

When my sister worked for United, we all had and followed the dress code for people getting basically free flights. And often, she and her kids would end up in first class. I really don’t see anything wrong with this policy. The passengers using the pass should have been aware of it too and dressed appropriately.

My niece is an actress and writer and has been working her ass off for years because she loves it and wants to make a decent living. Paris Jackson is gorgeous but is like European royalty or American politicians, her family name gets her in the door and through the living room into the kitchen (she basically owns the

Such a huge bummer. As a plus-size clothes wearer, Modcloth has been of my go to’s because they have such cute products. I won’t continue to shop there if they’re owned by Walmart, though. I refuse to support a company that treats its employees so badly.

I don’t think so. The court is finished and there is no effect any of this can have on any legal thing.

throw yourself right back out of the arena because your transphobia is not wanted here, bigot. especially in the comments on an article about a woman’s murder. how fucking insensitive can you be? fuck off now.

Just intro dude to Zimmerman.

As I Jew, I speak for all the sane Jews*, when I say we fucking hate Miller, Kushner, and Ivanka. Fuck them and allowing themselves to be used as tokens. Fuck them and how they misrepresent our values to the world. Fuck them for providing anti-semitism a voice.

I hate the Israel-Palestine conflict. I hate the restrictions, daily indignities and worse that Palestinians suffer with every day. I hate the frustrations of moderate to left-wing Israelis who can’t make their voices heard politically (sound familiar?), but who still have to worry about threats of violence. I hate

Don’t get me started on how stabby I’m going to feel when La La Land wins best picture.

And here’s where she tells the truth:

Oh don’t be ridiculous. He endorsed Hillary in the end, and maybe if she was a real progressive instead of a liar then she could have won the election.

I truly, truly hate women who do this. They do not look at their husbands like that at home behind closed doors. It’s a stupid con game that their idiot cohorts fall for every time. My parents have been married for over 50 years, so this is not cynicism.... I know what real love looks like and that look of agape,

I can’t stand that look of awe and childlike adoration on a grown woman’s face. It’s the look every woman with one marble rolling around in her head gives her husband when he’s got two marbles rolling around. Duggard shit

People need to stop being surprised when their racist neo-Nazi friends commit acts of violence. Racist nationalism is inherently violent, which is why this recent resurgence of white supremacy is so dangerous. Especially when it has infiltrated law enforcement..

Holy fucking God Almighty, you have no idea the anger running through my system right now. Rae Kushner is from an Eastern European town that isn’t that far away from where my family lived at that time. A quick internet search shows that her family may have been murdered in the same massacre as my own family, and may

Anne Hathaway would never miss the opportunity to reprise the role of Anne Hathaway playing a role.

parthenogenesis and viviparous.

Dude, it’s called the “Women’s March on Washington.” I didn’t even know men were invited. I hadn’t checked the Facebook group. I’m supportive of women’s issues, but I’m also aware that men getting involved with women’s groups, without being explicitly invited, is often seen (justifiably) as butting in.