
this couldn’t have been motivated by public health.

sad thing is, this move only works in a society obsessed with data; in a society that doesn’t see evidence without data.

Oscar winning “The Lives Of Others” was about the East German STASI secret police. A motivating plot point was the fact that their government collected data on everything except the number of suicides, because they didn’t want that number to be known in their socialist paradise.

correct. and Bernie would’ve gotten those voters.

new blood in the Bernie mold.

enough already. nice lady, but not the leader for these times. move on.

in this post-truth, short-attention-span era, this doesn’t matter. they were able to crow about it for a while, way back, so it’s part of a Trump supporter’s mental sediment now. a refutation the following year doesn’t erase the first impression. this is the opposition we must train for.

ah the old phallic clocktower, its potency-as-metaphor increased when a depressed white man rained bullets down on everybody. Would radfems see this rain of death implicit in every phallic symbol? ...I’m not saying they’re wrong if so.
i love “cats in the cradle” but MAN did Harry Chapin want us toempathize with that

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whoa! you left out this country lullaby classic! one of the most unintentionally hilarious album covers in history

It would be OK if they also banned a suite of related words, including TRUMP.

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omg i just found an equivalent “art project”: a “loving tribute” that’s just horribly off.

this Q doesn’t apply ONLY to GP: how do actors - and especially mediocre and/or less-active and/or has-been actors - become so fabulously wealthy? GP hasn’t done much lately, so how does she perpetually afford such a lifestyle?

cool thing about Casablanca: i BELIEVE the world didn’t know the full horrors of the holocaust at the time it was produced and released. So it’s a lucky (and just/righteous) coincidence that the script correctly anticipated this.

but it’s not like demand drives supply, or anything. we only do it because the bad hombres from mexico import the stuff and MAKE us do it!

Looks like we need to raise money to build the Steve Fitzgerald Women’s Health Center, by Planned Parenthood.

everyone should watch The Magdalene Sisters.

so it’s true, what they say: not all men!

it’s not the breasts PER SE. it’s the magazine. if, for example, she had participated in a radical topless FEMEN protest, we all know her feminist cred would increase.

serious question: what about all the drunken hookups that are NOT regretted. (“college” for example). must the participants call it rape and be called rapists?