
You know who established the EPA? Richard Nixon. He was considered a conservative Republican. How far the party has “evolved” (a word not particularly in favor in that group) on science.

I think it’s worth saying. Taking them for granted was their greatest hubris in this election.

Of course Bernie would have won; does anyone doubt that Bernie would have kept the working class white men in Ohio, WI, PA and Michigan that voted for Obama twice but then switched to Trump? WI, PA & MI were the whole ballgame and they’re Bernie territory. We could have had President-elect Sanders instead of that fat,

The assholes that loudly mocked the idea of caring about anything suddenly care about political outcomes? What happened to both candidates being equally bad and nothing ever matters, guys? Congratulations, you assholes got your dearest wish, South Park. Hopefully Trump never sees a bad word from you about him that

To be fair to Megyn Kelly - after Gretchen Carlson went public and Greta Van Sustren, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity took to the airwaves to smear her while performing fellatio on Ailes - Kelly’s pointed public silence SPOKE FUCKING VOLUMES.

Is this book also going to talk about how feminism is bullshit, created by the liberal media and if you want to fight off your harasser, you don’t need feminism, you just need a strong pair of arms. Also doesn’t this contradict Eric Trump’s theory that strong women don’t get harassed because I think Megyn’s pretty

Well, it’s nice to see American settler logic has not evolved one iota since we first landed on the East Coast.

They encroached on some other less animal.

Should have been Bern. Look what the DNC and Clintonites have done.

It gets really old when white women don’t understand or attempt to understand the meaning of certain songs written by people of color, or even any piece of clothing or accessories from other cultures like headdresses and bindis, yet they still claim they’re doing “respectful tributes” when they use them just for fun

Safe, legal access to cannabis goes a long way to undercutting demand for the synthetic trash that doesn’t even qualify as marijuana.

We need to have a serious conversation about consent in this country, because too many people just don’t get it. And that is completely inexcusable.

“But I believe that the film is an opportunity to inform and educate so that these situations cease to occur on college campuses, in dorm rooms, in fraternities, in apartments or anywhere else young people get together to socialize.”

For those that don’t know, Rabbi Shmuley is both a Likudnik and Trump’s “top Jewish surrogate.” So I guess this guy’s concern for the suffering of children and families extends to the effects of porn but not to the effects of mass deportations, Israeli settlements, second class citizenship for Muslim-Americans, or

“This push for women to go topless in the 21st century is as strong as women wanting to vote in the 20th century,”

I was pretty appalled as well by the 'well he wasn't convicted' crowd. Read the transcripts, for fucks sake. This asshole raped an unconscious woman and then harassed her after.

This whole thing has been exhausting, as a sexual assault survivor. It’s like everywhere I turn there are rape apologists—more so than usual.

Strong non sequitur there. I never suggested that Parker be tried again or even that he be held to any account actually. My question was why a purportedly feminist site that frequently excoriates accused rapists is being so careful with its handling of this particular case. If you look through my comments, you’ll see

As a black woman I have to get this off my chest. If I see one more black man say this shit was brought up because of Birth of a Nation I am going to scream! I have known about this for at least 3 or 4 years you didn’t want to know don’t start with the conspiracy theories.

How is Jezebel still writing posts on this story in such ambiguous terms? It seems no other case with such clear evidence (multiple witnesses, him inviting other attackers, intimidating her, not taking responsibility) would get anywhere near this type of reception. I get that we want to be supportive of a