
Maddie, I’m not a pedantic guy, as I hope you know by now. Hunter didn’t “pass away” in 2011; he blew his brains out with a .45 pistol. He was a lesser voice as he got older but he was a great writer in his prime. Not for everybody, but I'd love to see what scorn and derision he'd heap on the current election.

Yeah, I think you could compare it to Native American stuff. Some Native Americans don’t have a problem selling “dream catchers” and “medicine bags” to dumb tourists. Some do, and I have to respect that.

I feel very disinclined to pass judgment on this dude, because it seems like he’s making these products for people who actually practice witchcraft as their religion? That could be my incorrect hot take, but I just feel wrong shitting on this dude for trying to make a (albeit odd) living. As long as he’s not trying to

I also hate that ‘selfie’ have taken away the right of strangers to ask each other to take their picture. I would rather someone else snap my picture, but society says I can do it it feels weird to ask someone else to do it. Anyone else feel this?

Thank God. How would Nick Cannon have explained that to his kids?

Dear old guy,

Maybe when we have one of those really rough slightly late periods that makes you wonder “is this a miscarriage” we should just start packing the “remains” up and sending them to law makers in Texas. Let them figure out what to do with it. Wouldn’t want all that medical waste going into the sewer system now would we.


Nope. I wont be held hostage by fear mongering anymore. I dont want Trump to win, but I dont want Hillary either. So my vote isnt going to her.

This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.

I got into a HUGE fight with my husband about his not voting in our last election. I don’t care if all the candidates suck and the game is rigged, blah blah blah. People have fought and died to gain the right to vote and an imperfect democracy is better than none at all (not to mention that complainers are rarely

My aunt lived in an “active senior” community and said it was like high school - many women vying for the attentions of only a few men, none of whom were actually worth vying for.

Your country cares so little for you that it is necessary to start a GoFundMe for such a basic thing as higher education, so little that it is apparently not normal for children like this to go to school after high school, so little that a father can be murdered by your country’s police every month and nothing

And then she changes every opinion she’s ever held or dies in a fire? That’s my ideal outcome

This is a sort of situation where Carlson and other women on Fox News decry and denounce other women until it's their turn. Then they want sympathy. I'll be gleefully watching how this unfolds and not rooting for either party.

And completely forget that this has been happening for years prior. As always, rape is only okay when it’s native men doing it. When it’s ‘foreigners’ suddenly everyone gives a shit about women.

I will most likely vote for Clinton, but all I can think of is the scene in Animal Farm where Napoleon kills Snowball and then presents Snowball’s plans as his own

I traveled to Europe in 1993 — at the very same time as the Balkan Wars! I was in the middle of it, in France, Germany and the Netherlands, a major player in that epic struggle for freedom. If the Serbs had found me, in Paris, they would have surely paraded my head on a spike down the streets of, I dunno, Lyon? The

Can we stop with this Bernie Bro bullshit? I was a hardcore Bernie supporter. Hell, I even skirted on the crazy side for a week or so. However, I brought myself back to just being a supporter of him and disowning all those “Bernie or Bust” people. “Bernie or Bust” people sound so moronic now. I am now a solid Clinton

In their final moments on earth, these poor girls were fully aware that their own mother was going to blow them away just to spite their father. On his birthday.