
I like the interview but I’d like to object to the term “Israeli-Arab”, which erases our identities as Palestinians. She says Israeli-Palestinian, which is great, but you said Israeli-Arab in your question so I just thought I’d point that out, hopefully in a way that doesn’t devolve into an internet comment war about

Let’s hope this doesn’t happen in November with Bernie supporters (I’m one of them) voting for Jill Stein as a protest candidate.

Young white woman spray paints ugle shit all over bunch of national parks, gets light sentence and a little fine. Banned from parks. White privilege is fucking awesome!

pro: LGBT people can win pageants now

The only thing that can stop a bad father with a gun is a good grade-schooler with a gun.

Agree it’s awful but I also kind of question the necessity of diverting the flight? Was he being violent? Couldn’t they just seat him somewhere else and then have him arrested when they landed in Anchorage? Is there some legal thing where if a crime is committed mid-air the pilot has to divert the plane to the nearest

He’s exercising the will of me, thank you very much.

Those of us trying to watch the show will not miss you, I can assure you of that. Catch the dvd and text your bae from the couch if you really need to.