

OR a well-informed native of the area who sees how actively it informs day-to-day policy. Americans and those in the region are NOT on the same page regarding that term.

Rhetorical mastery is required. always convey “love jews; hate policies of the Israeli right”.

enough of this “both sides” equivocation. I believe the Palestinian activists worth listening to are trying to clarify and give voice to the truth.

True: talks led by a biased party indeed lead nowhere.

wrong: Noam Chomsky says in a world with many intractible problems, the Israel-Palestine conflict is not one of them. It’s easy. The vast majority of the people of the world agree on a fair outcome that respects justice and provides for the LEGITIMATE point on both sides (many desires of Israel are not so) but the USA

yep. Chris Hedges has been quoting this since the W admin.

the phrenologists warned us about them...

brilliant and cogent analysis

this is the danger behind a trend in American pop-thought these days: if you can find 1 woman who likes X, then X is feminist.

no. change that isn’t structural is a distraction.

expert commentary, in agreement:

Wilson the Great Liberal; he who made the world safe for democracy.

We need to start countering violent Jewish extremism represented by Netanyahu. I deeply support Jewish Voice For Peace and the Jewish peace movement within Israel, who remind us what an amazing people the Jews are. If I was like Netanyahu, I’d say disagreeing with Jewish Voice For Peace makes you anti-semitic because

Since Occupy Wallstreet, Chris Hedges has been right that the black block- that “smaller group whose methods were a little more forceful” as you say.

I voted for a woman.

“quotes that inspired and motivated”?!?! what could be easier and less sincere?! expect cookie cutter crap. next up, Hillary’s book arguing puppies are adorable. it’ll challenge america and hold up a mirror.

it’s capitalism. it’s only right to mercilessly pursue everything you have a legal right to, based on contracts. strip mine it and move on.

lesson to all: careful what you sign. most likely, the law is forbidden from heeding her valid sob story, and instead must uphold the enforceability of signed contracts.

Hey now - the Hunter S Thompson cannon was important! let’s not entangle him in this divorce drama! (to my knowledge he never weighed in on the marriage, and was just a buddy of depp’s since the Gilliam film)