
they’re called “evil genuises”

This is Trump’s way of attacking Hillary.

or just take a TAXI!

say it has an ass FOR a mouth. that lands better.

small step in the right direction. i’m a former eagle scout. but i’ve never seen a scout troop that didn’t have a conservative vibe. borderline paramilitary at times...culturally appropriationary at others...

brilliant career move lol. let’s see how she parleys this into a higher paycheck in her next job! but a true scumbag...she’s not.

careful: i don’t want to see you get in trouble like Madonna. if you’re not famous it’ll go worse for you.

I’m with Glenn Greenwald - the Russia angle isn’t worth it. Besides, Democrats shouldn’t begin an era of being warmongering hawks towards Russia. Old-guard liberal Stephen F Cohen has been arguing for a new detente for years, and if Trump happens to agree it’s only because a broken clock is right twice a day.

so you don’t think he’s THAT bad? evil with a plan is worse than evil with no plan.

that Hillary cameo was cringeworthy. as a bernie supporter that confirmed my belief that she would not inspire excitement in voters, and would lose to the eventual GOP nominee.

prediction: he’s gonna make it so he won the popular vote. he’ll find a lotta voter fraud and strike 3 million

amazing Ms Wu!

this is literally reaching North Korean levels. I’m not exagerating at all.

good point, except that i don’t think “changing Richard Spencer’s mind/heart” should be a goal. He’s an irredeemable* virus and we should only be concerned with limiting the damage he does and the spread of his ideas. So if you said, it’ll entrench his followers then I’d agree. But I think it’s silly to worry about

it’s a good reminder to throw away 100% of the democratic party playbook from the 70s on. we were “the best” in Yeats poem The Second Coming, so no wonder “the worst” won. It was our election to lose.

Now playing

posting this because because you liked Kate Bush’s single and because I can

the “right” is whether or not someone’s allowed to stop you. “the absence of a right to stop you” is what’s perhaps meant by “the right to abortion”

see: it’s not about what genetalia you have; it’s about the policies you support and how you vote. i’d rather have a government of 100% male feminists, than a government of 100% Sarah Palins, Joni Ernsts, Kellyanne Conways. it would be a supreme irony conservatives would relish if the glass ceiling was broken by a

conservatives will b!tch that the flag’s (probably) touching the ground. maybe the artist should’ve shown it folded in the kid’s hands. ...not because respecting a symbol means anything; just to deny them any angle to attack this great image.