
i wish her the best of luck, and a new direction away from her past forgettable paint-by-numbers crap, and towards deeper profound art. Reinvent yourself in the mold of Joni Mitchell...or Jenny Hval...or anything that’s deeper than the surface level. From the perspective of feminism, i support her completely. from the

a pretty good likeness, by doll standards! there are some truly bad examples out there. they’d be proud to achieve this level of realism.

each translucent, honeycombed, mini-greenhouse panel costs what it takes to feed a family for a month. there will be countless panels.

or resist and still die like the amazing, inspiring Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

“You people are crazy! I’m doing you a favor - two thousand - and I’m paying for the removal, I’m not even charging for the removal!”

chelsea has attempted suicide multiple times. to ensure she stays in jail for FIVE MONTHS MORE is sick and unconscionable. free her today or you enjoy showing her who’s boss through torture.

it wasn’t a pardon. obama pardoned his favorite general, not chelsea. the general even pointed out the fact that it was a PARDON per se, and not a commutation like chelsea, means he can resume national security work. oh yay!

broke the law, per se, but was for the greater good. case closed.

Obama’s role in the Manning travesty is shameful.

as a Bernie voter, i’m with Glenn Greenwald and Juan Cole on this one. Russia is Benghazi for liberals (the hillary-ones i suspect)

Now playing

she had a great range in Coffee & Cigarettes too!

Obama was a center-right president. as a progressive, i weep that we didn’t have a progressive in the white house.

symbolic gestures aren’t meaningless, i’ll give ‘em that. but less neoliberal policies over the past 8 years would’ve been more appreciated. - a bernie voter.

thought experiment: what are the odds you prefer to stay with the person you knew as mom, letting the 18 years after the deed to overshadow the deed? regardless of the answer sucks for the real mom. but if i was suddenly told my mom wasn’t my real mom, i’m not sure i’d have the energy to cultivate a close relationship

in terms of logical fallacies, i dislike the argument “because it can be helpful in Situation X, let’s encourage it” when it’s obvious 99% of its usage will be for Situation Y.

horrible. it’s “surprising” it’s happening to her, who’s currently enjoying the pinacle of fame and success in her industry. it’s not just the unknown new actresses who feel pressure to endure this crap in order to start a career in this field. it can happen to (arguably) the most famous actress in the biz, at the top

apparently the title of the marche dissuades men from perusing their website.

nope, not at all obvious from the title. as a feminist man i thought the same thing.

oh right - instead get someone who builds sand-castles at low tide (obama’s accomplishments will be easily undone; can’t say the same for Trump’s upcoming initiatives).

they have more in common with Americans than i realized! we can build on this people!