
this is why Hillary supporters were so wrong about needing to elect a woman. You could get a Yelena Mizulina. or a Sarah Palin.

dammit twigs! the corporate sponsors? seemed so woke...

oh please. I’m with Glenn Greenwald, Juan Cole, Stephen F Cohen et al, who say this Russian affair is being twisted, beyond reason and necessity, into a mccarthyite witch hunt veering away from reality, motivated by election-loss-disappointment.

oh please. I’m with Glenn Greenwald, Juan Cole, Stephen F Cohen et al, who say this Russian affair is being twisted, beyond reason and necessity, into a mccarthyite witch hunt veering away from reality, motivated by election-loss-disappointment.

I’m with Glenn Greenwald, Juan Cole, Stephen F Cohen et al, who says this Russian affair is being twisted, beyond reason and necessity, into a mccarthyite witch hunt, motivated by election-loss-disappointment.

i agree - who actually feels better because of this? i’d argue those people have something wrong with them.

Analysis, not judgement: she could’ve struck a blow for feminism, but instead she took a payoff to stay silent, and let predators and their enablers remain active and free.

exactly, it’s all too neat. like a cut-rate James O’Keefe wrote what he imagined “black thugs” would say. let’s help justice by ruling out the possibility they were all in on it, including the victim, in a self-sacrificial act for Trump. like that orc who blew up the walls at helms deep.

with James O’Keefe it mind, have they ruled out the possibility that they were all “in on it” including the victim who agreed to take a hit in exchange for an amazing pro-Trump propaganda coup?

first let’s confirm this isn’t a group of trump-supporting friends making a fake video together, with the “victim” in on the gag. james o’keefe wasn’t anywhere near this was he? LOL

i want to use his own prejudice against him:

so we can kick out Cub Scouts while claiming to be impartial and “just defering to the state’s birth certificate”

in all sincerity, i say Bravo Brave Woman!

that’s feminism in late stage capitalism: elevate and lionize a small number of women to positions of power, while ignoring systemic issues that impact the bottom 99% of women. then say problem solved and give yourself a high five

no, you now like LSD.

read old liberal Stephen F. Cohen, who has nothing but criticism for our current discourse over Russia right now. We forget that during the cold war, there was robust debate re: USSR. you had intelligent hawks and intelligent doves.

without combustion, it can’t be as dangerous. come on

it’s cool: he’ll just announce he’s a fallen sinner, ask The Lord very publicly for forgiveness, and then (knowing republicans) his policital career will be stronger than ever before!

it’s amazing just HOW LONG they’ve been making cheap plastic novelties to sell while the frenzy lasts. we’re still falling for it..

do ALL totalitarians purposefully ignore irony?