
This is so good and right

Hebrews 1:1-3...Jesus is an exact representation of god?

isn’t that what mormons believe - that everyone goes to heaven? i literally read a “mormonism for dummies” book by the actual “for dummies” press. they said so. “the choice” your pre-birth soul made to enter The World and undergo its trials is the only requirement for heaven: it’s participation-graded, not

she’s arguing “anything at someone else’s expense” is bullying. it’s worth a thought. Whether it’s bullying or not per se, i reckon she’s correct it oughtn’t be done.

maybe try getting their vote next time. this approach won’t work. listen to bernie. there are few inherent racists. there are many idiots who could’ve been swayed by a racist conservative populism OR an inclusive old school leftist populism. if we do better, they’ll become the latter.

have the feminists been won over yet?

OUR bombs wouldn’t do such a thing.

this professor stood up to GWBush over the Iraq war lead-up, and had his career vengefully & materially harmed as a result.

Caribou failed to top Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, sadly...

first heard bell-end from Ali G!!! lol

this was the bone thrown to the ladies for 2017. wait for 2018 before requesting any more women’s lib.

i thought hollywood was cool with its division of labor. scriptwriters write, actors read what they’re given, and directors can do whatever.

it can be committed casually. they’re not referring to the act itself, but its commission.

good thing they’re in Canada with single-payer and don’t have that problem to anywhere near the same extent.

there was a study of pregnant mothers in ganja-infused jamaica, with surprisingly pro-marijuana results.

poor whites suffer too from policies designed to target minorities. and there are black individuals in the police state establishment (like that sherrif Trump likes, who had a man die of thirst in his custody).

cigarettes are more dangerous than many illegal drugs, so at least be consistent! Can he go all Tuol-Sleng on the philip morris executives too? they’re also “pushers”...and way bigger ones than those suffering extrajudicial killing in our good ally The Philippines

idiots didn’t realize commerce and consumerism are the only values worth upholding

don’t bear false witness against your neighbor, friend. maybe all they do is discretely hand them a business card with relevant info.