
i thought america was too horrible to yield a law like this. how cool!

the former obviously (imo). those legislators are such jerks that if the only women who existed were white southern belles, republicans probably wouldn’t feel the need for half the socially conservative legislation they pass...including this one.

your interpretation is wrong, about caring more about the addiction than you. they PRIORITIZE it more, but they might simultaneously hate it and love you. they’re trapped by demons and need help, because i assume the best about people and believe they’ll get back to prioritizing you when they’ve escaped.

how ironic: if democracy is dismantled through constitutional democratic means...what do you call that?

so white people look similar but it’s racist regarding minorities.

so racism cured? thank god!

it’s not considered a religion in other countries. they must’ve had dirt on 1 person at the IRS. All scientology did is get a powerful person at the IRS to legally designate them as a religion.

Bennie and the Jets would minimize the horror. But Crocodile Rock or Rocket Man...that would be deadly.

the law is kafka-esque. it basically says if a precinct count looks suspicious (the tallies don’t match) that is exactly the precinct you’re forbidden to recount. you could not make this up.

you do, just enough to get their vote. make them feel heard and then do the right thing afterwards. trump made them feel heard and then does the wrong thing afterwards. but liberals could’ve made them feel heard too, but blew it.

but i don’t wanna love trump’s hate :(:(:(:(:(

they can still be amazing films by a bad man. hell, the original birth of a nation still has an important place in film schools...

Imagine if they had been Muslims. What if a Muslim publication pushed a false conspiracy theory accusing high American officials and an ordinary American restaurant of being involved in child abuse? and then an unbalanced Muslim went into it and shot off a firearm on the premises? They’d all be in Gitmo before

Here here!

aren’t like 50% of saudis “the warren buffets of arabia”? at least the hundreds of royals would surely all quality.

everything in a script isn’t an endorsement. sometimes an awesome script can include a character saying something misguided.

can’t say it’s like the 1800s anymore. it’s like 2016, which will put the 1800s to shame..

“the worst part” was when inhofe simply THREW the snowball to someone off-screen. i was thinking, that poor intern! if it was me, i’d throw it back and then play dumb, like what i thought we were playing catch!

political chinannery is so sad: this incident was win-win from him. Either the conference happens and he gets tons of credit for fighting tooth and nail against insurmountable odds, or the conference doesn’t happen and he gets tons of credit for stopping the evil doers.

don’t mischaracterize. i’ve been saying Sweden should’ve sent questioners to the embassy years ago, if they wanted to question him. it’s the 21st century - why does the room used for questioning matter?