
wow Jezebel is NeoCon central when it comes to assange i see!

It’s hilarious to see the 180 degree turn. A few years ago conservatives called for Assange to be extra-judicially executed, yet in recent months Fox News sings his praises.

“That’s because I’m smart”

Chris Hedges says we need to just keep getting arrested at protests, for a long time, and have faith that it goes somewhere.

Trump’s about to be president, you know. So in your final sentence, i’d lose the habit of thinking “presidential-ness” automatically demands respect.

an inmate died of THIRST while in this man’s jail!

it’s true, but do you want to convince people, or do you want to be perfectly right?

No, you need someone obese like Christie to play Goering. who’s Heydrich?

you have to NOT destroy the world first. I give credit to the Nazis for that at least! (tho not for lack of trying)

“rubber bullets” is a propaganda term. “rubber-coated bullets” is more truthful. they main often, and sometimes even kill.

be really polite, like they do for white people waving guns.

don’t be fooled by police appearance: all officers are blue, silly. and they only side with other blues

Kelcey Warren also runs a folk record label and sponsors a music festival in texas. He put out a Jackson Browne album. Browne opposes the pipeline and will donate proceeds to charity. Browne also performed a benefit concert near the protest over thanksgiving with, i believe, bonnie raitt.

British King Edward VIII was kinda pro-Hitler in the years immediately before WW2. Imagine if he didn’t feel like marrying a divorcee?! he’d have never abdicated prior to WW2!

Hurray for No Death Penalty!

we should accept it, but we should also hear the makeup-lovers admit the non-feminist origins of many fashion aspects. didn’t we learn in women studies 101 how makeup standards were made to please the male gaze? we can acknowledge that and still proceed to like it, just like we can acknowledge evil in America’s

there’s something of the Skeletor about his a completely different way than Donald Rumsfeld is already Skeletor!

if gun-permit applications are not issued in pictograms without words, then you’re oppressing NRA Members.

the absurdity is amazing. you could literally make a “what if” billboard like this for any and all convicts.

great idea: have a hater write about something!