
empathize with the bottom 99.999999% before turning your attention to poor suffering kanye

so a celeb checking in can’t be a cynical PR stunt anymore? such childlike purity: to take it at face value.

it’s his fault i can’t.

on that cover, Kushner literally looks like Patrick Bateman, slightly younger.

it’s “hilarious” they drew the swastika both ways - clockwise and counterclockwise - because they’re clearly too ignorant of history to remember which ones the nazis used.

well said.

maybe your canadian friend heard of a boycott of a little thing called south africa during apartheid? that might be a better example to introduce the idea. smh.

the worst part was when they zoomed out to reveal a NEWS show...and not some vapid daytime schlock with couches

so how do we combat the alt-right when they use the same argument? does an argument win based on who says it? atwood argues it in good faith, while the alt-right doesn’t? i’d like to think that, but you need to justify it

nah, I agree with Glenn Greenwald. This is “benghazi for establishment democrats”. (non-establishment democrats don’t blame russia, they blame the nomination of hillary instead of bernie, out of loyalty to the idea it was “her turn”)

this week, Stephen Hawking said we need to hurry up and expand to other planets.

damn...Greece never caught a break, lo these many generations.

but maybe seeing TRANNY in large font, out of the corner of everyone’s eye, regardless of the reason, perpetuates slurs and transphobia.

it kinda was about 1 person tho: her. blind loyalty to the notion it was hillary’s turn is what made the DNC/superdelegates/“the establishment” put their finger on the scale of such a poor candidate for this particular year. i wish she won in 2008. but i’m very comfortable saying Bernie would’ve wiped the floor with

she’s one of the many celebreties who play a journalist on TV. that’s all MSM, on all sides.

I’ll repeat Chris Hedges (and now others): Nixon was the last liberal president we had, for one reason: he responded to mass movements. Not happily, but that’s irrelevant. EPA was a perfect example.

our prior presidents needed that lesson too. How many years has Chomsky been saying the best way to understand US global hegemony is to study the mafia? Trump will simply bring consistency between American word and deed.