
The guy comes from a border state, and represented a border district. It is difficult to believe he really doesn’t have an opinion on the matter. Frankly, this makes him look like a bit of an opportunist who is willing to say whatever he thinks people want to hear to get elected. Obviously I want politicians who will

Absurd?  Yes.  Hilarious? Absoooolutely

A steaming turd would be better than anyone on the (R) side of the aisle. We need to raise the bar a little bit...

For the life of me, I cannot figure out the rationale behind O’Rourke 2020 other than the natural appeal Democrats might find in a third-wayer who massively outraised and outspent a widely-loathed cartoon villain version of a Republican only to still lose.

That kind of nihilism seems reductive. I mean, we’re all going to die, the sun will swallow the earth, and the universe will eventually becoming unimaginably cold and dark.

You forgot the one that predates them all...

To the other commenters, where did they act like they cured inequality? They proved a point and people, like local news, took notice. That’s like step #1 of deconstructing white supremacy - using your privilege to not only acknowledge it exists but also right the wrongs it produced.

I see this divergence around what’s

screw this lady, she should have stepped down from the Supreme Court so we don’t have to get scared that the country is going to go into the crapper when an 80 something-year-old lady falls in her house. If she dies in office and Trump replaces her with an Arch conservative don’t fall into that oh RBG was so wonderful

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

Do you know what “Talk to the fist ‘cause the hand is pissed” means?

Counterpoint: he should live in fear until he's voted out/guillotined.

Sorry, but that is 100% wrong. They are trying to gaslight us all, and they don’t give a shit what we think. They do nothing in good faith. It doesn’t matter what we do, they will find a way to paint us as an unruly mob. They are not even above outright lying. So go ahead and chase these monsters out of restaurants

Go fuck yourself.

Historically disenfranchised people never got equal rights by asking nicely or waiting until after the check came. 

His offices are kept on lock-down, to stop him ever having to see the people he’s trampling in the dirt.

I’m a foreigner and seeing him makes my blood boil, I am with the angry man yelling.

Nah. McConnell and all the rest of those corrupt fuckers deserve to be called out.

This is by far the most common and short sighted argument that I see. Wringing hands worried about what the “other side” will think or do.