LOL. The Cubs tripped over their own dicks, losing 2 straight single elimination games in 2 days at home. Fuck them.
LOL. The Cubs tripped over their own dicks, losing 2 straight single elimination games in 2 days at home. Fuck them.
To Musberger’s credit, this is the first time I’ve seen scare quotes be scary.
Shitty syntax on my part. Technically, I am two years away from it, vs. it being two years away from me right now. Should have said, “I’m two years past...”
Two years away?
They support Democratic Socialism which is based on the principles of a democracy. Like FDR and Teddy Roosevelt. Democratic Socialism is using a little money from everyone to provide services for everyone. This country already has many social constructs paid for with our tax dollars - the military, highways and…
Well, I find him despicable and I didn’t have to grow up with him.
Green Peppers.
yes, where...are they again?
He’s anti-union. Yes, that makes him an asshole.
Did he ever actually build that power grid he promised to Puerto Rico? I haven’t heard a thing about it since he got the good PR for making the promises.
He doesn’t need you to defend him. Nobody does. I’m sure that if he felt it necessary to respond to this article, he’s perfectly capable of doing so without your help. Go find something better to do with your time.
There is a well funded and well connected anti-labor element in this country that has been attacking union organizers with near impunity for decades. This mirrors the accompanying decline in union membership and the ever more desperate plight of the average American.
Yeah, please fuck off forever. I’ve lived through catastrophic natural disasters. People need to eat and drink clean water. Christ, go jerk yourself off with Atlas Shrugged again, you wretched piece of shit.
I just pray they hang his bronzed plaque low enough for everyone to be able to touch his head for as long as the Hall exists.
He was wearing a Cubs hat.
Patrick has been fired for not referencing the extensive real-world history of ballistas being used to kill flame-breathing magical lizards the size of 747s.
Before I even read any of the comments.
The thing is, this is like when Fox news tried to call out The Daily Show for not being “Fair and balanced.” That’s not The Daily Show’s slogan, just like winning isn’t the fucking goal of the “dirtbag left.” Winning is the goal of centrist, career politicians. That and claiming to “go high” are the only currency…
Making fun of his weight is just picking low hanging fruit, which Christie would never touch, unless it’s covered in chocolate or filling a pie; because he’s a fatty fatty 2x4, can’t fit through the kitchen door.