Unfortunately, I know how you feel. I’m glad you dumped that shithead, too.
Unfortunately, I know how you feel. I’m glad you dumped that shithead, too.
I had almost this exact thing happen to me on my 21st birthday. I went to a bar (stone-cold sober! not that it fucking matters), was about to order a drink, and then I felt someone’s hand reach up my dress (a modest t-shirt dress, again, not that it fucking matters), grab my bare ass cheek, and give it a long, solid…
Fucker can burn.
I feel like it’s really, really not too much to ask. Just some basic human decency.
My favorite:
YES. I’m so happy that Taylor is not letting this go. She has millions of young female fans who will benefit from her example. She could have brushed it off as just another shitty thing women have to deal with, but it’s so great that she brought him to court. What a CREEP.
Oh Jesus Christ, it was the GOP that wanted us to talk about climate change instead of global warming because they thought it sounded less threatening. Fuck.
Mueller’s lawyer M. Gabriel McFarland asked Swift whether she was “critical” of her then bodyguard, Greg Dent, for not intervening. Swift responded, “No, I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my bare ass.”
Yeah, I’ve never been a huge Taylor Swift fan, but that is a topnotch, A+ answer to a bullshit question. I mean, I’m sure she was prepped for this, but I’d be hard pressed not to stand up and cheer in the courtroom if I’d heard any of these answers in person.
I like that they tried to make the fact that she acted like a professional after the fact some indication that she didn’t mind. Look at the picture. She’s a fucking pro. This guy’s scum.
You, me - and MILLIONS of other women. I hope this garbage POS never works again. I’ve worked with plenty of his kind. They think they can do anything because we’re “nice” and won’t reveal him for the sexual predator he really is. Fuck him.
That reply was great. Fuck that guy.
“No, I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my bare ass.”
Mueller’s lawyer M. Gabriel McFarland asked Swift whether she was “critical” of her then bodyguard, Greg Dent, for not intervening. Swift responded, “No, I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my bare ass.”
The old “you didn’t cause a big scene so therefore it didn’t happen” defense
The first couple of milliseconds, I thought it must be a mistake
This reminds me of the time my great-uncle’s first wife was babysitting her best friend’s new baby every day . . . only to find out great-uncle was the father. Way to go, great-uncle! Cheating on your wife with her best friend is bad enough, but then getting her to unknowingly provide daycare for the baby takes…
Also how you know a lie: “my wife was cool with it”