Great swimsuit! I swear that cut looks great on everybody. Cheers to Chelsea, looks like she’s L-I-V-I-N
Great swimsuit! I swear that cut looks great on everybody. Cheers to Chelsea, looks like she’s L-I-V-I-N
Why do people feel the need to comment on or deride people/things/attitudes that we don’t agree with?
Her “It’s a swimsuit” response is the best response to someone being a total asshole and I wish I could come up with such a nonchalant internet schooling.
And stupidity. Like this guy is really dumb why would you work for him.
Truly, politics, and especially Republican politics, have fallen to a new low when someone like Johnson can benefit from McCain’s sacrifice, and then diss him on the radio a couple of weeks later. I guess there is no honor among thieves.
Well, the Republicans WANTED to pull McCain out of the hospital to vote, because they were desperate for his vote... and now they’re bitching about the vote he gave them. This shit was allllll you guys’ idea, Ron, so maybe next time be careful what you wish for.
Relying on Paul Ryan not wanting to kill poor people is really a bad bet.
So then what medical condition has Johnson been suffering from all these years that has caused his truly shitty voting record? He apparently has needed large infusions of campaign cash to treat his lack of spine and his inability to have an independent thought.
Truly shocking behavior there: I mean Cory Gardner taking questions from the public. He’s such a little chickenshit, he’s been running away from his constituents all year.
Those yes votes were poorly thought out. Senator Cory Gardner got an earful at a recent town hall.
One Senator is fuzzy, unfocused, and unclear in his thinking and speaking.
They attack Collins and Murkowski for being women, and McCain for being sick. Sounds about right. Beforehand the republicans were tripping over themselves calling McCain a hero when he made his way down for the vote because they thought he was on their side. The applauded him and now that he voted the way he did, they…
The funny thing is, there’s no reason to think Johnson didn’t *want* McCain to vote ‘no’. Reports the next morning said that as many as 8 or 10 more Republicans wanted to vote ‘no’ but worried about how it might affect them back home. So they only needed one more ‘no’ and McCain took the bullet for the rest of them…
Congressmen: The most sensitive snowflakes of all.
He’s a famously hapless goober, isn’t he? I thought he could barely open his mouth without stepping in it well before this story broke.
Ron Johnson was one of the four who said he would never vote for “skinny repeal” unless Paul Ryan could guarantee him that it would not become law. Ryan said he could not guarantee any such thing, so Johnson immediately said, “Okeydoke” and voted for it anyway.
I’m surprised it’s taken this long for one of them to say this.
I’m disgusted by how unsurprising this is. That a comment like this now seems almost banal speaks terribly of the politics of the past year