
Kasowitz loses a lot of cases. So there’s that.

“When they go high, we lawyer up, double down and go full on Peter Thiel”

You don’t apply sanctions and pressure to NK. You apply them to Chinese companies who hire NK nationals, or trade to supply Un’s regime with luxury goods that the elite consume. North Korea is currently able to get by because they are allowed to exist in their current state. Even if it’s true that Kim Jong-Un doesn’t

This is a frivolous lawsuits if ever there was one. Only a man wouldn’t get laughed out of court for trying to pull this.

The Washington post article was great but the comments are completely vile. I’ve never understood how people can be so hatefully deluded.

I was thinking, my vaguely technophobic sister only caved into smartphones when her daughter was born. She’s not a TV person, and it gave her some entertainment options while nursing.

Thanks for the links. I’ll definitely read these when I get some downtime. Much appreciated for the information.

We had a night nurse in once a week just so we could get some sleep. It’s a Godsend if you can afford it.

Holy fucking shit, I’ve never seen that pic before and his hand is CLEARLY right on her ass. What a total fucking douchebag. I doubt she’ll win her case considering what a disgusting culture we live in, but I’m really hoping she does and this guy loses everything he holds dear in life. I’m fucking tired of our society

They seem to have a very romantic idea of newborns.

From what I’ve read, she didn’t want this sexual assault to define her or her career, which was basically exploding at the time it happened. It’s hard to rationalize how someone behaves in a situation like that. Her mom said on the stand that Taylor expressed that her first reaction was shame for not calling it out

If that was a scolding then your parents were very kind, lol.

Because it scares the fuck out of you when a predator does this to you. As soon as she felt powerful enough, she had him removed from the venue.

If you can’t spell “hearsay,” you probably shouldn’t try to educate others on its definition, exemptions and exceptions. If your opponent was having people testify to things you told them about whatever is in controversy, then it was not hearsay because those are admissions by you, party opponent.

He is seeking at least $3 million.

She is seeking a symbolic $1, saying she wants to serve as an example to other women who have been assaulted.

That’s pretty classy, actually.

I’m guessing Reed and Somerhalder aren’t aware that new babies sleep 20/24 hours per day?

Ugh, that body language is making me rage out on her behalf. Fuck this guy. What a pig.

ITS no heresay if a second hand account is actually a first hand account via the witness heard or saw the interaction. Her mom saw and heard directly from Taylor the primary account. I actually had to object and call for heresay about a dozen times today and this is what was explained, some were sustained some