
Sorry, lots of knee-jerk reacting to that phrase, which is unfortunately common. I’m sure the pattern of their behavior is just as pronounced as the pattern of their (insufficient) punishment.

It was a lot better than the first “apology,” I’ll give him that - there weren’t even any slurs in this one.

Jinni, you are just the sweetest, as always!! It’s been a rough day/night and really needed to hear something nice right now, too, so thank you for being a positive internet person! 💗

That is great hair for whatever they used in hair in the 20s or 30s. Which, it’s going to be the 20s in a couple of years and that’s blowing my mind.

I see a jack o’ lantern headed person with guns shooting clouds of smoke. But I was primed with a Breitbart reference, so...

An attack/disquisition about immigration would be my guess.

It all makes sense now.

They really are... I search for logic I know does not exist, but also... doesn’t everyone want a warm place to shit? I mean, not too warm, that’s gross, but I’d venture a shitting environment of comfortable temperature is a universal desire. Fuck, why do we have a lengthy history of toilet discrimination to try to

I’m not super-plugged in, but the whole image of the guy in the vest teaching these model young men all went out the window. And there are guys that play on those teams that are model young men and they work hard. But you can’t play that card and pull cover-up shit. Whether the NCAA rules are fair and those players

Good lord, I’m sorry. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

I agree and *for sports-ball, while I thought the whole controversy itself was fairly stupid, it illustrated to me how much he cares about anything that happens off the field. This doesn’t convince me he learned anything from the prior situation at OSU.

The sentence wasn’t longer because they were worried about ruining this poor rapist’s future, like so many of the people posting. He was a juvenile and the town made the rapists matyrs and demonized the girl they raped.

No fucking joke. Inexcusable. I can’t even form complete sentences.

That was concise and I like your style.

Sex offenses are serial crimes. Nothing is turning this man around.

Honestly, how is the idea that rape is traumatizing now controversial?!?! The logical backflips required to justify this are infuriating.

I know these stories always bring out a bunch of ignorant assholes, but this, “Not all rape victims find it that upsetting” bullshit is unfuckingbelievable.

It feels weird, but thank you for explaining that racial slur to me? After the talent manager telling his assistant to feed him cabbage and lock him in the shower, I’m really learning a lot this week.

“Either this was the least funny joke ever, or he meant it. Which is so much fucking worse.” That describes so much of the past six months.

It would be news, though.