
On average, someone convicted of rape will have raped 11 people already. You think integrating them into society afterward is going to turn them around? Sex offenses are crimes of a serial nature. Some people have no place in society.

Poor sex offenders are just so isolated that they just HAVE to rape someone! The recidivism you’re talking about applies to nonviolent drug offenders and the like, not rapists.

PREACH! There are no take-backs for rapists!

One way to up that number - every vote counts equally. I voted in a state where my vote really doesn’t matter, but it’s a little tough to blame people who don’t take time off of work to vote in an essentially predetermined race in many states.

Yeah, that’s why all defendants are asked about legal dramas... That may be how he got away with the question, but unless being anti-sex crime is a bias, it’s a stupid argument.

If it makes any difference, you’re not alone - in life or on this comment section - I can promise you that.

If it makes any difference, you’re not alone - in life or on this comment section - I can promise you that.

People will definitely still elect you to the Senate - look who’s in the WH!

If you’re going to be a troll, at least be creative. Don’t be as shitty at this as you probably are in the rest of your life.

Sure, if you stole something and can’t get housing, you might steal again. But you don’t rape or murder again because you’re having a tough time finding work. They can have a second chance finding meaning in life while working in the prison library.

:) I like you too, NotANumber7

Good for you. But I answered your question. And the development of PTSD is largely dependent on the cumulative amount of trauma you’ve faced, so to think it didn’t contribute is false. That’s not a diagnosis, just neuropsych statistical fact. The fact that you’ve have a lot of shitty things happen to you doesn’t give

Honestly, this isn’t that complicated.

The criminal justice system needs reform, not abolition. Stop locking up nonviolent offenders and apply the law fairly and equally. Don’t make it a financially motivated system. Those aren’t wild ideas. Neither is locking up violent sex offenders.

“Date-rape” is traumatic and based on your posts, I doubt you’ve actually dealt with it, as in emotionally faced it and not just shoved those feelings down whenever they try to pop up (assuming you’re not a troll, because I give every survivor the benefit of the doubt). The vast majority of rapes are not stranger

There is literally nothing about our criminal justice system, which is admittedly fucked, nor known about the recidivism rate of sex offenders to suggest that he will. More than 75% of people in prison end up back there within five years of getting out. It is not a rehabilitation treatment nor a deterrent.

“Put himself in the same kind of situation” of raping someone? Statistics suggest he will.

It sends the same message it has always sent. Be good at sports boys and you can do whatever you want.

He DIDN’T PUT HIMSELF IN ANY SITUATION. But if you’re thinking he won’t rape again, everything that’s known about sexual predators says you’re dead wrong, moron.

I’ll say it: I like her.