
He kinda does. And that would actually be a sharp and brilliant tweet if, say, Jeb! (please clap) were president. But Trump is president. And he has majorities in both houses of Congress. It’s a failure of leadership of McConnell and Ryan, absolutely, that they were not prepared for this moment (or, rather, it’s

my 3rd order as President was steak well-done with ketchup

It would make a delightful military comedy about the clueless buffoon who takes down his platoon during military exercises. Starring John Kelly as the disciplined leader who watches his lifelong handiwork disintegrate within days.

To play ‘so evil, not even the Devil wants a part of this’ advocate I would argue that replace is relatively new. The original intent was strictly repeal. Hell, replace might have originated from Trump, but even if it hadn’t, I don’t think it was party dogma even in 2014, and wasn’t going to be in ‘16 except for some

Diplomacy doesn’t mean one on one talks with NK. We got Iran to table their nuclear program by heavily sanctioning financial institutions outside of Iran that did business with them. We ought to be doing more than just tweeting crap at #China.

snorted out loud! well done!

New on advice of Betsy DeVos.

What. The. Fuck.

So that WaPo article about the Evangelical pastor who advises Trump and also seems to be hankering for both war and tax cuts is pretty terrifying.

Yup. Of the entire white house, I don’t think he’d lie, so much as evade.

Then again, it’s utterly inexcusable that this empire was allowed to flourish as long as it did with little resistance from either previous Presidents or the United Nations.

“My second order as President was to cure polio. You’re welcome, cripples!”

Listen, Trump is a gaping asshole who has about as much place running the country as I do of competing for a gold medal in women’s gymnastics... but he kind of has a point.

Aye, North Korea is kinda an out of control grease and tire fire, and it has been for over a decade, and only slowly getting worse. I don’t even blame China for not wanting to get involved too much in it, for all we know *they* could become Kim Jong Psycho’s first target.

  • Guess what: “God has given Trump the authority to take out Kim Jong Un,” says an evangelical nutbag who happens to advise the president. [Washington Post]

And it was Trump’s fifth executive order, not his first.

No matter who had been elected president, this is pretty much where we would be. The question is, now what? Do you trust Trump in this situation to use restraint (or do you hope he won’t and will unleash the nukes)?

I have this image in my head of Donald Trump driving a golf cart around his resort at top speed while John Kelly—clad in plaid pants, a white polo shirt, and a newsboy cap—frantically chases him and tries to grab his phone.

“My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before.” Trump, Aug 9 2017.