
Ok this has been bothering me ALL DAY. This beer has this fucked up shit as one of their descriptions:

Man, this guy sounds like the Mooch would be shaking his head and recommending rehab.

Pleeeeassse tell me you cut in with ‘GOOD TO KNOW’ in the iciest tones imaginable. Like, Tilda Swinton in her Snow Queen togs who has just found you in her pantry icy.

No. I understand it. I was watching my friend’s kid (4) play at their house when she spilled some of her paint. In a panick, she tried to cover up her mistake by pushing the paint off of the table. Of course, that just smeared everything and made a bigger mess, but she’s only 4!

Yeah, that was some fucked-up left field shit I wasn’t ready for.

It is almost comical that he thought his “apology” might be acceptable.

I’m sorry...

It’s always nice when men respond to professional workplace requests with threats of sexual violence./s


YAAAA he is really not sorry.

As much as there are things that piss me off about the state I grew up in and still dwell, MA is easily one of the best and most open minded states in America if not the world. We have the worlds best universities and hospitals, are only second to California in technology jobs. Currently I’m making over 6 figures as

As my Deep South-raised father once said to me, “I’m from the South, and I do everything in my power to make sure I never have to live there again.”

Your writing is typically excellent, and this is a great example. I only spent a few years in the south myself, but this is entirely consistent with my experience. I had an opportunity to be part of a team that was revealing larceny on a large scale by local public officials, and the overwhelming response from the

As I’ve said many times before, I’m from the south, and have never lived anywhere else. As a southern liberal, I’m part of a tiny minority, and I long ago gave up hope that the region would be joining the rest of the world any fucking time soon. Because this place is populated by people who believe the hype. They

Just imagine any other functional country where the failed leader of an insurrection was memorialized like this.

When I went to Mississippi this spring, I wound up staying a few blocks away from the Jefferson Davis Presidential Library and Museum.


Aw, crushing Toby is one of my favorite Tobys.

Also known as Tabatha Fortis. :)