They’ve voted it down, with JOHN FUCKING MCCAIN AS THE THIRD REPUBLICAN “NO”!!!!!!! Proper use of quotations cannot contain the number of exclamation points needed!!!!!!!!
They’ve voted it down, with JOHN FUCKING MCCAIN AS THE THIRD REPUBLICAN “NO”!!!!!!! Proper use of quotations cannot contain the number of exclamation points needed!!!!!!!!
They are so very cute and squirmy. It was nice to see McCain explain to Cornyn that it was ok that the Dems have ten minutes to talk and he could close with five, rather than to be a bastard for the sake of it. We’ll see how he votes, but those little things like where McCain is explaining how to behave like Senators…
They’re about to pass it and fuck them (and us) all. Watching CSPAN and I just...
You know, two did - Murkowski and Collins are the two Republican Senators who fairly consistently vote against the most egregiously offensive plans. But you know, that only two did and that two were all the votes they could lose - it’s a little convenient. The rest, I’m sure, had lots of thoughts and prayers. That’s…
Ah, I was so focused on the “rat on your friends for America” aspect, I looked past that all of this is to get after his colleagues over the national crisis over word leaking that they had dinner. He is an idiot. There’s just so many layers to the stupidity- it’s the onion of idiocy, you just keep peeling back layers…
It’s easy to miss the McCarthyism when it’s surrounded by what cocaine would say if powders could talk, but that’s really the most disturbing part.
Don’t worry - there was a bipartisan expression of concern about DeVos. Everything’s going to be fine. Everyone has proven sensible and things are going to be swell.
I don’t... like, could consuming that nonsense even qualify as reading? I am so impressed by the reporter’s ability to say things like, “Why do you think that?” rather than, “Bahahahaha, did you, a middle-aged man, seriously just refer to yourself in the third person as the Mooch?”
Oh, then no... there was an article after Trumps mysterious tweet yesterday that could have been the beginning of WWIII, but after an interminable ten minutes, turned out to be an announcement of a bigoted idea for a transphobic military policy he had that he hadn’t consulted anyone about or made any plans to…
She’d also be criticized for not writing a book at all. For handwriting or typing a first draft. The style choices in an outline. The font and font size. Not to mention the number of pages, and page numbering? Using Roman numerals in the preface? That’s pretentious and why she didn’t win middle America.
Did you read the Gizmodo article comments section? I clicked on that article and got to the bottom and all of a sudden.. what the fuck happened?
At this point, they’re attempting to convince Senators to pass a bill with the promise that it won’t become a law... so who can say what will happen when nothing even tries making sense?
MacDonough has already ruled that doing so would violate the Byrd rules. Pence has the power to basically overrule the Parliamentarian, but McConnell doesn’t want that to actually happen because it would be chaos further down the road when the GOP doesn’t have power. Supposedly, McConnell doesn’t want to totally…
Mother knows best, I suppose.
In PTSD research, the likelihood of any event resulting in PTSD is related to how much trauma that individual has already been exposed to. It’s referred to as “lifetime trauma load.” It’s the first scientific research measure that really depressed me. “Acute cat exposure” is a funnier one - although it’s describing…
That is the opposite of the GOP platform...
Yeah, remember the Women’s March? Next day Trump signed the Global Gag Rule EO. We’ve tried this.
This is just not how any of this works. If there is one thing the Senate is not lacking, it is rules and guidelines. Legislating isn’t a process you’re supposed to just make up as you go. That’s not how it works. I’m the lady with the friend nailing photos to her physical wall and thinking it’s Facebook.
I-O! Do I do that on the internet?
Ohio State’s football stadium holds over 100,000. Don’t know if you count attendance as a crowd, but I think there was a Michigan game where there were over 110,000 people. (Go Buckeyes!)