
There are a few states that legally require Plan B to be offered as part of a sexual assault kit. It’s not necessarily the ones you would think - South Carolina is one. D.C. isn’t a state, but it’s mandated there as well.

There’s a very high burnout rate among SANE nurses as well. Victim advocates don’t usually last more than a few years. It’s an incredibly stressful and emotionally draining position. Don’t get me wrong, it’s certainly worthwhile and it’s very necessary, but the nurses and advocates need more support during the job as

Sadly, that’s something that actually WOULD result in jail time and he would never be suspected of falsely accusing you of punching him.

DC in general has gotten a lot more American Psycho-looking lately. It’s noticeable.

There’s not a ton of conflict there because Trump doesn’t actually have any beliefs, in terms of political ideology, and I don’t think Scaramucci does either. Principled thinking isn’t something they let get in the way of doing whatever is convenient at the moment.

It’s a mixed bag, but if we’re wishing for things, emotionally-competent medicine would be great. Sorry about the shingles - I hope you feel better soon!

Here is an article that explores both how vaginal products/procedures are used to exploit insecurity and how the vagina is self-regulating, according to an OB/GYN.

Bacteria are supposed to be there and, absent an infection and provided basic hygiene, the vagina is self-regulating. pH of course matters - the pH of your blood being off slightly can be acidosis - but you don’t need to try to adjust it the way you do a swimming pool because a normally functioning body does this

In reference to the edginess of talking about vaginas - the one thing that seems to not be edgy is selling products meant to “treat” some alleged dysfunction of your vagina. What’s bothering me even more about it lately is that some of these companies seem to have shifted their message to seem science-y. It’s bad

21 years and nothing has changed... great article, although Paglia is just the worst. But again, 21 years and she’s still arguing against Title IX. Fuck.

It isn’t receiving a lot of coverage. I’m hoping it’s because the issue is dead, but I’m not comfortable assuming that.

Your OB sounds amazing and congratulations to you and your partner! It’s heartbreaking, but it’s encouraging that the medical community is engaging with patients on issues that are unfortunately common.

Lol, that’s what I thought at first but I could see their comment after you responded and just thought maybe I’ve read enough surreal comments that I’d lost the ability to detect sarcasm. Love your profile picture btw - and no problem!

Fair enough, although I don’t think the reason that victims of domestic violence don’t get media coverage really has a lot to do with proportion, nor do I think anyone here lacks care about men who are murdered.

Just FYI, you can dismiss your troll using the three dots in the upper-right hand corner :)

Hope doesn’t just make you richer, it’s also a form of medical care if the Repubs have their way.

“I have trouble with Rand Paul” is a fairly universal sentiment, I think. And this after pairing with Kamala Harris to advocate for criminal justice reform earlier in the week.

Is it a hot take that I’m totally fine with ruthlessly incarcerating pedophiles? We have problems with mass incarceration, but there are people who need to be in prison.