
I’m not going to defend Spicer’s choices, but he was visibly uncomfortable since day 1 and it wouldn’t shock me to learn that he signed on thinking that the administration would fall into line with general behavioral norms once in office, which was a stunning but common delusion. He was one of the few people there who

I’ve definitely had that thought... Yet another thing for anxious people to consider, societal reaction to the amount of medication required to treat our anxiety in the case of our tragic deaths. Although does the catastrophizing there seem more like depression? Either way, everyone should try to understand that most

Pelosi would get slammed for rescuing babies from a burning building. Love this answer.

Yeah, I think this is definitely someone who knows they’re eventually going to be deposed. At that point, his not having any actual knowledge of Trump’s thoughts or his seeming lack of access to him is finally going to pay off. 

I’ve noticed this, too. If they ever stop sounding batshit insane, I worry about their effect. But fuck, look at what Fox News has done to the country...

I think it’s probably less so facing the facts than facing indictments.

That is not unfair. He has a definite... vibe.

Ah, thank you, I misread. I agree, 7 years is inadequate and the idea that they could ever regain custody or even contact their children is sickening.

This is some inspirational internet!

If you can get in touch with the school where you received your AA and talk to an advisor there, they can help you with the specifics of getting in to a four-year school and financing your education. Once you get there, my school had a pre-med advisor, a pre-med student group - seek out those people and they can help

Supreme and unwarranted confidence and a lack of self-awareness... those traits sound so familiar. Do you work in the WH?

I’m starting in a few weeks and I’m not 40 but I’m not 22 either - but I’m so excited that there were a few immediately encouraging responses from med students! Woohoo, medicine! Okay, I’ll see myself out now...

Become an EMT! Seriously, you are not too old to start on a path to medical school and becoming an EMT first is one of the best things to have on your application. Classes aren’t horribly unaffordable and you can do them while working full-time. Then you can pursue a job as an EMT or volunteer. The medical community

This! This is what government is supposed to do and how sensible people govern. I’m not vouching for Paul’s sensibility, but working together for the common good is how it’s supposed to work. 

Once I thought it through, it would have meant that either it was totally seized that way or police sorted it by color, which would be hilarious... but unlikely. Dammit, I’m really way too young to be so old. That or listening to Trump really is making me stupider by the day.

It does!! I wish they didn’t need to exist, but the do some great work! - I don’t know how to insert links on my phone...

Follow up question because I... is the cocaine packaged in colored plastic or is cocaine colorful now? Not that it matters, just wondering if I’m just that old/much of a nerd...

This is going to be very interesting. Although you are describing a rational actor, which is a leap of faith in DJT. But it will be fascinating. In a horrendous, traumatic, potential civil war kind of way.

Thank you for this!