
I struggled with the wording there because he is a certain kind of an ideologue, but it’s less the modern G.O.P. than the others. He doesn’t have the same ties to “think tanks” like the Federalist Society that Thomas and Alito do. I think Roberts is principled and his decisions usually reflect that -he’s essentially a and - Fund Texas Choice helps patients get to clinics and the Texas Equal Access Fund pays for abortions for low-income women in Texas.

We need to get Kagan and Sotomayor prepared for a Weekend at Bernie’s scenario should one of the liberal justices pass. Some kids who can hold one on the other’s shoulders and some sort of trench-robe. I’m still working on solutions...

I think I’d do a lot of blinking with my eyebrows creeping ever further upwards, until eventually the blood shoots out of my ears. Or my notes would all be just me writing, “That’s not a thing!” Or, “That’s an order or words that makes no sense!”

Roberts can be a wild card. He has repeatedly referred to Roe v. Wade as “settled law” and when he was being confirmed, always dodged questions rather than condemning the decision. I think he’s less of a (partisan) ideologue than the others. He’s gotten a lot of shit over the years for not being conservative enough,

Whoa, tell that story!!!

I read it as “enraged in care” and I kind of like where my brain is today. I understand what you’re saying and it’s a really important metric. It’s also a really different battle in a lot of ways, both in terms of funding and how money is spent. Public health, from an academic perspective, is fascinating and a war on

They’re trying to reform a system where people disrupt a power dynamic that has been used to keep women in their place and they’ll do it with whatever means available. Despite all of the nonsense from some of these comments, there are well-established guidelines for Title IX enforcement that provide fairness in

That, right there, is not a thing.

She was also given 3-7, while he was given 3.5 years. At the very least, she doesn’t deserve MORE jail time than her owner/husband.

Seriously, a little hope in true love! And I promise you wouldn’t be the first one to hit on a doctor while kinda out of it on anesthesia.

Ways to stand out on a date: have great sense of humor, sparkling personality, quick wit, high intelligence, be a brilliant conversationalist, a good listener, tip the server well.

No, I didn’t and no, we shouldn’t. But good try.

Oh my gosh! I have been thinking the whole “we are all stupider for having listened to this” thing A LOT lately and knew that sentiment was from somewhere!!! It may not be the most intelligent or enlightened or even inoffensive humor, but damn I loved Billy Madison...

I won’t argue that there haven’t been mistakes made, but there is no “quite simple” link between those mistakes and the efforts of this administration.

That’s amazing and still requires tremendous restraint.

Haberman, Baker, and Schmidt are remarkable journalists if only because they seem to be able to follow along enough to keep a conversation going and refrain from saying, “What the fuck does that even MEAN?!?!” after everything he says.

It’s true that the words themselves aren’t mansplaining, but I think there’s an argument to be made that a guy who shows up to a date dressed a a knight in shining armor is by definition condescending to women in all things he says as he is dressed to literally be a damsel’s savior. As a result, all of his

If you can’t get around your self-righteous judgment of your patients, you’ll be a shitty doctor. Don’t practice medicine or be a dentist or a podiatrist. But you can’t opt out of giving a trauma victim blood if you’re a doctor and a Jehovah’s Witness. You can’t refuse to prescribe medication and be a Christian

I’m sorry that you’re going through this. Yes, it is the same procedure. D&C’s are taught and performed (for medically necessary reasons) at Catholic hospitals and medical schools for this reason. Those schools usually have the same off-site arrangement described by UWSOM. This is grandstanding bullshit.