
The one thing that might make this slightly faster than Watergate is that the people conspiring with Nixon could think strategically. Or thought, just as an thing one does, in general. It’s a lot easier to catch someone when the person you’re chasing won’t stop tripping over their own feet.

Whining is even easier than winning.

Plus, lots of people got t-shirts they wore as dresses.

You’ve probably been hanging out with solid food-eating babies. That can blow your hair back. But when they’re just breastfeeding or bottlefeeding, it’s pretty innocuous.

Except the Grenadian armed forces are too tough for the Marines, in this scenario.

Amen. I kinda wish I thought in Morgan Freeman’s voice. It feels like that would be comforting.

I have aged at least five years in these two months and it takes all of the willpower I have not to wail, but... it does look like we have essentially a smoking gun at this point. I love DJT Jr hiring an organized crime lawyer. It’s still not banging down doors and dragging the Trump family out by their hair, but you

Thank you! I’m trying so hard to be... at least less negative, if not positive, and this helps. Truthfully, it wouldn’t be great to have a system where a leader is removed without a proper, solid investigation and Mueller has had this for what - a month, maybe two? It feels like it’s been years since this shit started

Body language-wise, aside from Trump’s usual bowel movement stance, the palm all the way facing up is total submission. Not shocking, but still gross.

I like how brave Turnbull is there, tentatively peeking over the shoulder of Joko Widido - he’ll let him stand by the window and just describe the mobs outside.

Wait, you mean supply and demand doesn’t work as he said, that if you provide supply, demand will come? Is he still... hilariously stupid? Even with glasses? Except now in charge of maintaining our nuclear weapons? Well, shit.

In your son’s defense, it probably was hilarious.

So my parents are quite conservative, but as a child, for whatever reason, I was decidedly anti-wearing most clothes. In an infant-carrier at 9 mos, I was able to get out of a dress and tights in under three minutes. By the time I was a toddler, my parents discovered that I didn’t mind leotards, which made their lives

It beats the last century of Fox <sub-network> [Ignores/Denies] Any and All “Sexual [Harassment/Assault]” Allegations Made by Lying Slut(s).

Take care of yourself as well - one day we will hopefully have a system that works for justice, protects the victims and their families, fairly punishes and rehabilitates offenders, and seeks an end where everyone involved can heal.

Kinda O/T, but Miss Mercedes, I am always impressed by your posts on threads that wander towards these combative stances. Compassion and grace, you’ve got them in bundles.

Welcome, Senator Ivanz!

It’s disgusting. I don’t understand the shoddiness, and the steadfast defense of the shoddiness, of the evaluation. It was just an obvious case of an employee of the criminal justice system being killed and the killer being punished as severely as possible, to make a point, at the cost of all reason and fairness.


It’s unthinkable. The case is so clear-cut and I just couldn’t believe that this was the decision handed down. McAuliffe is a coward and I hope this ruins all of his political ambitions. Thank you and your husband and his office for the good work you all do to fight against such savagery. Morva’s past decade sounds