
He knows that glasses make you smarter...

So I don’t want to come off as an unrelenting optimist, because that is the farthest thing from the truth. But as much as what you’ve said is true, we also have more people angry about it than ever before and way more awareness than ever before. That we even know about these oppressive regimes is progress of a sort.

Jesus, that’s awful. But these assholes are the minority; it’s worth reminding yourself of that. I’m not up on public approval polls in Poland, but I’d guess they’re a loud minority, as they are here, that rose through a confluence of fuckery. I’m hoping it’s the last hurrah for these shitheads. Nationalism in an

They also need a judge who makes better judgments than ruling that having one other accuser testify would be useful but thirteen others prejudicial. Judge and jurors who understand what “unconscious” means.

Gov. McAuliffe (D) of VA has declined to halt the execution of a severely mentally ill man, despite pleas from local, national, and international groups. In his statement, he noted he’s personally against the death penalty, but that isn’t going to stop the Commonwealth from murdering a man at 9 tonight. And the Gov.

The first time I saw Obama at a wreath-laying after the 2016 election, I just totally lost it. I had started to figure out what bullshit policy implications might be of *45, but seeing Obama’s reverence and grace and realizing that all of the significant symbolism of the office would be ruined by that buffoon was like

Of all the places Pence could have said he’s determined to put American boots, Mars was less disturbing than what I pictured when I started that sentence. Especially boots on the face. I read that and “on Mars” was a pleasant surprise.

There are already instances where Medicaid pays for abortion. Even if it got to SCOTUS, and as much as I object to him, Gorsuch’s vote would be the same as Scalia’s would have been. I don’t know who has standing to sue here, but it is probably not the best time, PR-wise, to object if you’re a company. People are

It’s not the end of the world, but Ryan or any elected official using his power to change and control the behavior or appearance of women just because he can IS a problem. Whether the metaphor is a frog being boiled and not noticing the slowly rising temperature or a death by a million paper cuts, the point has

You’re missing the fact that this is a change from prior policy and that it really has nothing to do with clothes. I’ve worked on the Hill and I came from a science background, so working in open-toed shoes was a weird thing for me, but it was okay there. More importantly, it’s not actually about the clothes - it’s

Fuuuuuuucccckkkkk you Paul Ryan. This is just so sadly predictable. At least while our toes are covered, we aren’t yet barefoot and pregnant I guess.

Ewwwwwwwwww.... but true.

I finished S7E22 last night!! And started season 1 again... President Bartlett (or Santos...) can be my President :)

Try working retail - it’s a Ph.D-level education in conflict resolution and anger management.

See you there!

Oh god, those videos are the greatest and that never occurred to me. Silly, because the first thing that one should always think is, “Trump probably won’t get it.”

If we can’t get a Rogen family show, I’d just like to be adopted by them.

I just downloaded Obama’s “Audacity of Hope” as an audiobook. He narrates; I feel like it will be okay. Highly recommend.

That’s just science.

All $3 million should be used for federally funding abortions. Just because fuck Hobby Lobby.