
If oreo's lasted more than 2hrs in my vicinity I could probably share them.

Does this work if you're a nudist?

According to Pol Pot only intellectuals had glasses. She doesn't seem very smart.

A kid walking into his class with this thing on immediately feels the wraith of every kid who is butt hurt they don't have a parent who can do that .

Judging from some of the commenters it seems this satire worked exactly like it was supposed to.

"Unstable? HEHEHEHE"

I find it interesting someone would be skeeved out by non refridgerated eggs but isn't grossed out they are eating a chicken's period.

I'm really sick of the grammar police on these comments nitpicking every error and somehow others extending the error nitpicking to like 14 comments.....just to add to your annoyance.

Clean that fucking dishwasher lining. YUCK

Chimps masturbate a lot according to the Gorillas I know. I would think they'd be to busy doing the five knuckle shuffle to worry about war.

Even Mariah ages.

There's a reason there's a "certified" instructor there. 50 something white collar men who aren't in that great a shape should be told to not push their limits. No screamed at with jock rock blasting and trying to compete with 20 something collegiate athletes.

manifest destiny

I did Crossfit for about 2 years on and off. I've never met anyone who did it consistently for more than 3+ years and if they did they never seemed to partake in it when we had our workouts. They'd have already worked out that day or were waiting for something after class.

80% of the time working less works 100% of the time

I put the pipe down two years ago. Never regretted it.

How long until some asshole ditches the raft and goes down without it?

It's a fantasy book, isn't it all fake or am I taking this headline to literally?

All that work only to not paint a beard on?

That's not Mario. Am I the first to notice this?