
"I was employed by the Patriots, and I say shit all the time! How come nobody says anything about that?!"—Robert Edwards

I'm not sure there's ANY professional sports league that is capable of handling serious mental illness of any sort. The stakes are too high, the money too overwhelming, the number of positions available far too small for the number of athletes willing to do anything to find and keep one....a player is going to have

Okay, Dubai. Now you're just showing off....

Potter: "Look, Aguero! It says it right there in the contract—Section 6a: 'Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.'!"

The kids' programming is nice, and yeah, I do fondly remember the days when I was DVD-by-mail....Amazon's biggest hitch for me is that the rental prices are, frankly, ridiculous ($5 each??), and some older or more obscure movies, you can't rent at all (purchase only).

I sincerely appreciate the input of you former goalies, because you know a boatload more about it than I ever will (all I know is that I consider it the hardest position to play in sports), and when I went back to watch it again, I can see the point exactly. It was just an example of a guy seizing the moment when it

Exactly! Though I guess I might not have been clear in my HOC example. What I meant was that the algorithms must be either fairly lazy or grossly inaccurate if they can make such a close connection between HOC and Bob's Burgers. And you're also exactly right about the great foreign movies, and I should at least

Absolutely, it does! I find it weird that Amazon can give me streaming choices that are remarkably close to current, or quite rare and hard to find, while Netflix hardly lifts a procurement finger and gives me Knight Rider reruns or crap like "Quarantine 3, Playing Hooky". It's like they aren't even trying anymore

As a southerner with only the most basic understanding of the rules and strategies/tactics of hockey (love the sport, and hopefully, one day, I'll have a better understanding), I can't speak about the details with regards to what happened on the play. I will offer the idea that Lundqvist looks like he fucking fell

Man, am I ever glad to see this is going to be an ongoing series, because I'm about sick and fucking tired of Netflix giving me loads of crap, while sending me an email saying the price is going up. Max is a joke, as it basically gives me suggestions that are already in my list, the "Popular on Facebook" list is

When Scully does eventually perish from this Earth, baseball will be forever changed.

Do I ever!! I find that it helps fill the bleak times in my crushing disappointment of a sorry excuse for a (comedically exaggerated air quotes) 'life'!

Damn. Really? I mean, in SEC territory, this is Pop Warner-level cheerleader hazing...

Eh, rumor has it that all it was was Sims blowing his prepared call: "Hey Floyd! Andy's....haircut......bud nipping in the bud........kill Otis."

"Yeah! What that guy said! That was my problem, too!"—Rick Ankiel

Damn. I know exactly what Donaldson's talking about—my hitting improved dramatically when I changed my approach, and stopped closing my eyes and swinging at anything in the same area code as home plate. Of course, I still sucked at it. And I got old. So....yeah.....

"I don't get it. I've given up that many runs, but we've never scored that many."—Charlie Brown

I'm encouraged to see shit like this aggressively investigated and pursued, and thrown wide open by columnists. Dunno if that encouragement outweighs my cynical concern that the legal system will find a way to water the charges down to an embarrassing level, but it's a real start....

"It's a tough job, being a star like this, having to anchor every movie every time out, and there's nobody better at it."

"Too long...too much thinking....quit being smart, smart guy! Act like you've written before! Put your head down, write a couple of lines, and get back in the fuckin' dugout!"—B. McCann