My confusion on this case rests with the stand your ground law, actually. Zimmerman admits to following Martin in order to see what he was up to. How was Martin not standing his ground when he confronted Zimmerman?
My confusion on this case rests with the stand your ground law, actually. Zimmerman admits to following Martin in order to see what he was up to. How was Martin not standing his ground when he confronted Zimmerman?
His word against... oh wait, no one's. No one saw that happen. If he told you that he was also riding a giant purple unicorn of justice at the time... would you believe that too? He can make up whatever farcical justification for what happened he wants, because no one saw it.
Dude, I'm pretty sure I already went over this with you. You don't know for sure that Zimmerman wasn't still following Martin, that's just what HE said. Martin wasn't around to tell his side of the story. You don't know he was ambushed, that's what HE said. Again, no Martin to dispute it. Even the witnesses…
Fuck off, Robert. You're brother got off. You don't need to keep spamming the internet.
The defendant didn't take the witness stand, no.
I know its hard but its not worth it to feed the troll. Plus you know this guy was there and saw it first-hand. He knows all about the "evidence" so we shouldn't argue with him.
Saturday night, in the wake of the Zimmerman verdict, Michael B. Jordan almost canceled a Q&A after a screening of Fruitvale Station. He showed up, saying: "My heart hurts so bad right now. I wasn’t going to come after I found out about George Zimmerman getting acquitted. It broke me up. That’s why I think this film…
Yes, that's personally what I think too. I mean you can't just claim a kid after their underwear-shitting days are over and be like, "I'm ready to be a father now!! *whisper* (But I also don't want to pay up for the years I was gone)"
Dr Valerie Raoi testified that Zimmerman's injuries were 'consistent with one strike.' Getting punched once is not getting the shit kicked out of you. Also, if a man with a gun follows and accosts you in the street and you hit them, is that not self defence? Is that not standing your ground? There's no evidence that…
Er, you have it backward. Zimmerman staljed Martin. Zimmerman had the gun. Carrying a gun is in itself an aggressive act unless you are around likewise-armed people.
His story doesn't logically make sense. Get an address when you're in fear for your life? When YOU have the gun? He could have locked the doors. He could have, I don't know, driven away from the scary unarmed kid.
So then, what you are saying, is that we can't know who started it, since all the evidence is murky at best, and the only sure testimony we have came from the only guy who survived the fight.
Actually, everything I said was factual, as opposed to my interlocutor who was making things up, and you who apparently thinks asserting an uncontested point proves a contested one. Sorry you couldn't keep up with the conversation and got caught looking stupid, as per usual.
This is a little off topic - but when the incident first happened literally EVERY witness came out saying that it was Trayvon Martin who was screaming for help. I remember reading reports and accounts, especially of the people who had called 911, and no one identified it as George Zimmerman. It wasn't until months…
Right? I think you could easily claim that you feared for your life just being near George Zimmerman, given his very high profile stance of shooting whomever the fuck he pleases. Just make sure you aren't black. We all know SYG doesn't apply to black people.
My roommate and I were JUST having this discussion. He's said through his attorney that he plans on carrying a gun around. Since he's proven himself to be an unstable person likely to use a gun against 911 operators' instructions, wouldn't a person who had a gun and saw George Zimmerman have a right to feel threatened…
Hypothetical legal question: If someone were to shoot at Zimmerman, could they claim a Stand Your Ground defense, because he's scary as fuck and probably going to shoot someone else dead and wouldn't you want to shoot him first?
Why would anyone chose to have an "open" donation? The sperm donor wouldn't just have a relationship to the child, it would be with the kid's parent/s too. Even if he doesn't have legal parental rights, he will probably still have opinions, and emotions, and opinions based on emotions. Couple who know and love each…