
All this, "no parental rights, but you get to see kid" and "hey, I don't want to pay child support, but you must raise my child" BS makes me rage.

I can see this spiraling into something much more. I think this is just the beginning and I wouldn't want to have my kid snatched because of a law that will grow tentacles. Women in same-sex couples like me who conceived a child this way should really be concerned. I hope this doesn't come to New York.

As someone having a child we conceived with a sperm donor, this freaks me out. I will never set foot in California.

I agree with you, and love higher education [where it is needed or for connections in your field]. I would be the world's worst pastry chef[my wrists are shot] and wished more people would be passionate about industries/niches like this to the next level [Cronut style revolutions, niche food apps, ultra-luxury

Yes, that's a great list. I'd like to add:

Well, I never said it was easy to do that. And sure, you are correct all those points.

No, it's not. That is what Angela Corey argued, and it is what Republicans want you to think, but it's not what Angela Corey argued against Melissa Angela and it's not actually what SYG or any self-defense claim would apply to. Your own link makes it clear that she openly argued for nonsensical details and, in my

The prosecutors could have pointed out that Martin had a right to "stand his ground" when he was being followed by a weird looking guy, in the rain, at night.

THIS. Her smile is basically 'see, I told you it wouldn't work. What do you want from me?'

The pro-life campaign is almost completely funded by conservative Americans who see Ireland as some bullshit last frontier of morality, as a symbol, rather than as a country where real women have to live and go about they lives and pregnancies. So basically, the highly organised pro-life propaganda machine in Ireland

If the Millenials continue with the level of idealism that they have now, the world will be a better place in the future. I feel this group has a well developed sense of fairness and hope that they will make the political changes that are so badly needed.

Too bad.. Glee kind of annoyed me but I always thought that he was really, really talented and played the "dumb jock turned artist" really well. We all have demons, it's a shame his got the best of him. I don't know what else you can say. It's a pitty when anyone goes down at the height of fame and fortune that young.

The people criticising you ought to be given misdemeanor sentences and have it explained to them that it's not nice to screw an entire generation out of a future, keep picking the bones clean as they make their way to 30, and then tell them it's because they suck.

I'm watching millenials pop in the news, lately, and

How about stop calling us Millennials. We were born before 2000, not after it.

But, she's wearing white jeans and sitting on the dirty, nasty ground!!! OMG. I am having a slight panic attack.

I'm on the very early cusp of being a Millennial (trust me, it was a shock to find that out). It sounds like you're being tugged from both directions— you've done all the things "right." You've been responsible by saving money and you've built up your little corner of the American dream by having possessions that you


I would seriously LOVE to spend 5 years travelling. But I don't have the money, I like stability, and I'm terrified that I'd come back after 5 years and be ready to settle down/make adult money and no one would hire me due to being a wanderer for so long. Like, seriously terrified. I want to do crazy exciting things

Preach! I have enough problems without everyone 10 years or so older than myself telling me that i'm a lazy, narcissistic, entitled little piece of shit. Like sit the fuck down and go back to your mid-life crisis.

Lena Dunham? Talented? Somehow those words don't go well in the same sentence