
He's in Hollywood baby! He's not allowed to say anything bad ever about anyone that has a connection that might potentially help his career. All you will ever hear most celebrities say in these types of situations is good things. The exceptions to the rule is stand up comics, because they make their money from being


Not to be a snobby baker, but those are some ugly ass macarons. What happened to their insides?

This reminds me of when my little sister (she is thirteen years younger than me) was in a daycare program, and one day started coming home with little story printouts of bible stories and pictures of Jesus and they were all pretty conservative views. The teachers were giving all the kids these stories. We're not a

For reals. Guys, does a girl ever want a dick pic unsolicited?

I totally agree that we ladies rock the shit outta everything, and our mere influence in men's lives helps them to realize that, hey women are people too! But I don't think that you can also assume that a guy who is only surrounded by other men will automatically be a douche. Some of the nicest guys that I know are a

I would say that what it is against is the double standard actually. It's perfectly fine for completely average looking guys to be with hot, fit women, so long as it then isn't railed against when a hot, fit man is portrayed in film or television with a completely average looking point was that this is not

I don't think that has anything to do with it (plus I don't think that's necessarily true). Every single straight guy I know in NY is skinny as a bean pole.

I don't know which of the two cities you are in, but in either one (I was born in SF and I live in NY) you also just have to walk so much! In SF there's all those hill climbs from whatever parking spot you find, and in NY it's a few miles of walking a day at the very minimum on your laziest day, just to go do your

So basically this is a PR stunt to help along all the bigots who already think he's a hero: In which 'Poor George' proves that he is just looking out for everybody by...helping out with a traffic accident in which nobody was even injured, and most likely everybody was white....WOW.

Yes. He's an actor in Hollywood with money. But in the movies he plays character unlike his real life counterpart. Same for those other actors. They do not play characters who are powerful, etc. And I'm sorry, I don't care how rich, powerful, interesting, or funny you are, and maybe this makes me a jerk, but if you


So ridiculous. What government provided android advice. Step outside your mindset.

This is the silliest argument I've ever read. Banning a woman from wearing a face veil or burqa in public is not remotely the equivalent to banning slavery or stoning. It would be the equivalent to disallowing people from wearing yarmulkes, crucifix necklaces, rosary beads, prayer shawls, malas, Dastars....Why should

Other people are writing comments, and all I can think is "FUCK, Michael Fassbender is HOT." Yep. Yep.

Yeah, I'm not saying anything against cathedrals. I'm saying it's ridiculous to basically ban the practice of religion in a country—especially when it's obviously affecting certain religions more than others...meanwhile, you have these large (beautiful, but) cathedrals representing the 'right' religion to everyone?

This is disturbing. I mean, it's okay to keep the all the cathedrals, etc. But everything needs to be secular? Huh? Next step, china and immolations.

What's so funny about this whole thing to me is that-as a fellow New Yorker, I've only ever heard of the 'cronut' from Jezebel. Also, the rain room is like, tourists delight (who has the time to wait in line for 3 hours?)....

You said you grew up in an inner city in North Carolina? Is that what NC means? And you said you are autistic, and you starting coding at a young age, and obsessing about your personal education. You think your experience, in NC, as an autistic person, with a strong education (self taught or otherwise) is the

Again, repeatedly missing the point. Incredibly frustrating.