
No, fair enough. But you realize that you were clearly on a different level right? That this is a unique experience, and that for most people to learn skills, it is necessary to get a higher education? You said above that people should just learn coding. I wouldn't be able to do anything like that to save my life. But

I seriously dislike all this 'hating on the millenials' Scheisse. I spent my childhood being told I was GenX then GenY, and now I'm being called a millenial since 2013 started, and suddenly Time Magazine is calling me and my friends lazy, stupid, lacking empathy...It's trite, and boring. My main group of friends

It would make me SO happy to compare a side by side list of your "priv" vs mine and see who needs to check it, by the way. Because you seem like you have a very easy view of the world, like perhaps you haven't struggled much.

I didn't mean payroll tax, I meant payroll cards. Fees to be paid.

This is exhausting. I feel like this is the first line of Peter Pan "All of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again".

Funny, his response wasn't to a "raging rant" of mine, it was to this:

I'm not entirely sure I understand your point. But it sounded incredibly condescending.

Oh goodness, I can see the smoke comin' outta your ears! Calm down bud! It's okay that your point of view is ignorant and racist! We all understand. Living up in conditions which made you that way was probably hard.

Hey, Embark-Calm down! (As a fellow white woman), Let's remember that we are talking about racism in the south, and that nobody is talking about you, and everybody is talking about the lack of justice found for a murdered trial. Let's keep focused here.

Words cannot express my absolute disgust.

The amazing celebrity baby names. I loved it.

Well, I agree with what you are saying in regards to those aspects of Allison Pill's character. And I think Allison Pill portrays those aspects of the character beautifully. She is a brilliant actress. I think I'm having trouble summing up my difficulty with her character properly, but I read somewhere above someone

Right you are! I was totally mixing that up! Yeah, even so, maybe they wouldn't all be rich Marinites or Napa kids, but they still wouldn't be so over the moon about her that they wouldn't think it was rude to answer the phone mid speech. I'm glad someone agrees :) (Although I do love me some CJ Cregg, I just wish

YES. Yes, yes yes. YES. Those scenes killed me.

Because Allison Pill's character is supposed to be this incredibly smart character, yet she is defined by the men around her. She is dating a man who treats her like shit, and in love with a guy who is basically her boss and who is sleeping with her roommate. She should be better, but she just keeps being....not

You aren't lame! I am a huge Sorkin fan. West Wing is one of my favorite shows of all time, and I found Studio 60 very enjoyable. (I just hate this show...) But he usually hits the right notes.

Thank you!!! I hate this show so much! I also hate the fake sort of weighty importance they put behind random events. Like for example, when the correspondent/reporter guy got injured during a riot in Egypt, and the one kinda asshole producer like punched a wall because he thought it was his fault, and everyone was

I'm not a mom, but I think that being a mom is probably one of the toughest things out there, and I appreciate the moms (and dads) [but most especially MY mom] more than anything on the planet, for being so goddam awesome despite how tough it was.

I think the basic point you seem to be missing is: