Aww! He's still pretending he knows what things like blowjobs are!
Aww! He's still pretending he knows what things like blowjobs are!
You're a "nice guy" all right.
::rolls eyes:: yeah, okay.
This is something we had to study early on in our psych classes. Supposedly there is some thinking that people conceived in the winter have a higher chance of becoming mentally ill. I don't know how much stock I put into that, since of the most mentally ill people I know, half of them would have been conceived in the…
If it makes you feel better, on another thread we girls starting discussing the difference between an intellectual man, and an intellectual man-child. One difference I pointed out in terms of conversation, is that the intellectual man might just genuinely be interested in these things, and talk about them with people…
My impression of her is that she seems tough, unrelenting, and energetic. None of the words 'blonde, perky...' were my impressions.
As a girl, I can't say I'm a big ball fan. They what they is.
Most awesome internet friendship ever? For reals, you two are hilarious.
"I'm gifted in few things besides fighting and sex"
Ohhhhhh. So you don't sleep with women often, you're used to masturbating.
This is my most favorite comment of the day!
I know man!!!
My stepmom does that! Nanoscience and whatnot! Yay women in science!
I dunno why that made me laugh. :)
The difference between that and the 'intellectual man-child' as described above, is that a man can be an intellectual, and enjoy a nice stimulating conversation with people who are similarly interested.
I dunno, I just always saw a bunch of them after class, heading off to this bar right nearby. Maybe he emailed them, or pulled them aside after class early in the semester, I dunno! It was weird.
ugh, omg. I think my worst situation was this:
That's funny.