I like how you managed to phrase that in a way that blamed the mothers solely, despite the hypothetical fact that their fathers were beating the shit out of them.
I like how you managed to phrase that in a way that blamed the mothers solely, despite the hypothetical fact that their fathers were beating the shit out of them.
I really liked this article, and I totally agree with all the points, and this type of guy is infuriating.
YES, so true. Best way to avoid douchebags.
Condescending calm tone makes me want to murder people. Although doing condescending calm tone back to those people is really funny, because suddenly they lose their shit.
The head of the philosophy department at my college was this youngish pretty decent looking guy (he talked about his wife a lot, I'll give him that), but he took the guys in the class out for beers after every class, when I took a course with him. On the very last day of class, he invited the whole class, but only…
I'm not trying to be a smartass, but I just disagree that the amount of girls who want to steal professors away from their wives (I've never met one) is proportionate to the amount of guys who exist as described above.
It's cool. That's a great quote.
Ginmar you are my new favorite!
Something I've noticed a lot in my life is that a lot of christians will go on and on an on about how precious the life of an unborn child is, and then once that child is born—fuck 'em. They are property, and can be dealt with as the parent pleases.
Dude, I'm not trolling you, don't be dramatic. I'm just trying to get the facts straight here. You made it seem like you knew something about the prisoners in Gitmo, and now we know that maybe, possibly, you might or might not have known of some people who may or may not have gotten sent there or somewhere else.
Actually, that was my entire point. You've just been saying over and over and over again that they can't be charged unless they are charged as spies.
Obviously joking. I think you missed the point. Of the whole thing.
....So what you're saying is, that you actually don't know ANY of the detainees, and the extremely detailed example of Ali Ali you gave us had nothing to do with Guantanamo, despite the fact that we are talking about detainees at Guantanamo. GOT IT.
It's the comment thread right below this. I was a commenter in it, but he's in the greys so I didn't see it! Starts off:
I just think it's funny how slowly as the conversation went on you went from -I never worked with Gitmo prisoners directly, I know the TYPE- to then making it sound each time more and more and more like you have worked directly with the prisoners.
Everything you are saying is nonsense.
Ginmar Rienne, look at this!
I'm sorry, but in another thread I just read THIS:
From the link you sent me to, all I can tell is that you searched the word 'spy' because apparently you think they should be tried as spies, because you have it in your mind that under the Geneva Convention that is the only way they can be tried (this is not true- under the Geneva Convention originally they would have…
It's funny, because I notice that when you ask Tektwo his MOS, he doesn't reply...though I'm sure you would gladly tell him yours.